Monday 31 March 2014

My Birthday List | 2014

Yet again, another list.
If you didn't already know, my birthday is on May 20th. Tomorrow is April 1st (would you believe it!). I always start my birthday list quite early. As I think of something I add it to the list. 
Anyway, this is what my birthday list looks like at the moment :) 

IPhone 5c
I've had my current phone (the Samsung galaxy ace) for almost 2 years now so my contract runs out soon. This means it's time for a new phone. I have never been an iPhone user and this is the newest one out there. I am very excited to receive this. I am opting for the blue one (they come in 5 colours). Whenever I get a new phone (which is usually every 2 years) I usually get it for my birthday but me and my mum go to Tesco to buy it a few weeks before my birthday but I'm not allowed to touch or use it until my birthday.

Portable IPhone charger
From doing a little research into the new phone I'm getting. I know that iphone battery life is just rubbish. So, if my iPhone runs out of battery on me whilst I'm out, having the portable charger with me will be very useful. I really like the Anker, Astro mini from Amazon. So, hopefully my mum and dad will get me that one.

Noise Isolating Earphones
The ones I have at the moment are just rubbish, they always fall out of my ear which is really annoying. So, i decided that it's for some new ones. I have heard a lot about noise isolating earphones. Apparently, they are amazing. They cancel out almost all background noises (people talking to you etc.) these type of earphones would be great on car journeys and airplane rides. I don't go on many but these will just be great at home too.

Frozen (blue-Ray)
Ok, I'm sure you must of heard of the new animated, Disney film Frozen. If you haven't, where have you been! Lots of people are talking about this film, the songs are stuck in everyone's heads. I know it's the hype in my school at the moment. I actually haven't watched it yet but I desperately want to. I recently bought the soundtrack (which is amazing) do I'm asking for the film for my birthday.

Les Misérables (Blue-Ray)
Yes, yes I know. I'm late on the bandwagon with this one. But I have never seen Les Mis but all of a sudden I want to watch it. No idea why I suddenly want to watch it. But I've heard that it's really good

The Wolf on Wall Street (Blue-Ray)
This film came out fairly recently (I think the beginning of this year) but I've heard such good things about this film. So, I thought why not ask for it.

My Sister's Keeper (DVD / blue-Ray)
I know this film came out in 2009. But I've heard that it's really sad but such a good film. I quite liked what it's about and I thought I might like it.

The Hunger Games Catching Fire (blue-Ray)
Again, I've heard such good things about this movie. All my friends loved it. I saw the first hunger games and I really liked it so I thought I may like this one too.

Now that's what I call music 87 (CD)
This is a CD that has all popular music at the moment (chart music). I've got the previous 5 NOW CD' s and I liked them. I've seen the tracklist for this one and I love almost every song on it.

Meet The Vamps | The Vamps (CD)
The Vamps are a fairly new boyband and I absolutely love them. They've had 3 singles out already and I love all 3. This is their first ever album. They are my favorite band and I can't wait to get their album


Meet The Vamps | DVD edition (story of The Vamps)
When I found out that The Vamps have released an album, about a week later I also found out that they have a film about them released too. When I found this out I got very excited. This is basically the story of The Vamps. I can imagine it will involve how they got started, behind the scenes etc. But honestly I don't know but I am excited to find out.

Phone Case
I probably wouldn't of found this phone case if it wasn't for Zoella. Zoella (Zoe Sugg) is a beautiful, British youtuber. I watched one of her What's in my Bag videos (Winter Edition) and she included her felt, monster IPhone case from an Etsy shop. I just fell in love with it basically. Luckily, she included the link for it :) It's easier if you just see it, so here's the link for the phone case.

(P.S Please go check out Zoe's youtube channel. I obviously don't know her personally, but I seriously want to because she is such a lovely, sweet, funny, beautiful person on camera. But she is my favorite youtuber, also please check out some of her youtube friends such as Tanya Burr, her brother ThatcherJoe, PointlessBlog, Jim Chapman, Marcus Butler and more. They are all amazing. Here's Zoe's link.
Remember to check out her friends too.)

Ok, I don't know whether you liked that or not. But maybe it's given you an idea of something to put on your birthday list. Or maybe you saw something that you could get someone else. 
For my birthday it's really only films CD' s and phone accessories.
I may do a post after my birthday on what I actually get. But I'm not sure if you will like that or not (let me know).

What are you asking for your birthday?
Let me know in the comments!
Emily xx