Monday 15 September 2014

Body Confidence

I would like to warn you that this is a very serious and personal topic for a lot of people. I do not want this to turn into some sort of debate or whatever, but I hope that by writing the post, it will help at least one of you.

First, let me start by saying I am 15 years old and I am 5ft2" and I weigh 7st2lbs (If you are unsure of these measurements, feel free to convert them yourself). A healthy weight for a female my age and height is (apparently) 115-125lbs and I am yes, I am slightly underweight. Everyone will have something about there bodies the they don't like, legs, arms or just your weight in general for example. For me, I don't really like my legs, I think they are a little fat. I am very petite and most of the fat seems to go to my legs it seems.

 Sometimes, one specific friend of mine just says to me "Emily, you are so skinny". Firstly, how on earth am I suppose to respond to that?! Whenever someone says that to me, I never know it is suppose to be a complement or not, they probably think it is but most "skinny" people think of it as rude and inappropriate and offensive. (Most likely) All "skinny" people find "skinny" is a very offensive term! (even typing the word makes me feel horrible) Anyway, when she said that to me, I think I just stood there with my mouth open saying "Umm", just thinking what does she expect me to say to that. All through my childhood (mainly primary school) people used to pick me up and say "Wow, Emily you are SO light!". Back then it didn't really bother me because I was quite young. But now I realize how inappropriate, rude and offensive it may be to a "skinny" person to be called skinny by someone else. (now that I have experienced it). 
However, those people who think they are paying me compliment don't actually get it at all. For "skinny" people  actually being called skinny is mostly seen as an insult.

Honestly, it's just the way you say it "You're so skinny", "You're so thin", "You're so slim" none of these are acceptable to say to a "skinny" person. They are all offensive and seen as an insult to them, even if you don't know it at the time. Instead of saying "You're so skinny" it's better to say "I love your figure" or "I love you small waste" because "love" shows to the person on the other end that it is not an insult or an offensive term, because you saying "I love" they know it's a compliment. But by saying "You're so skinny" they are highly likely to see it as an insult. Please just think about your words.

You always hear about larger people going through a tough time trying to lose weight, slim people can through just as much of a tough time trying to put it on, but nobody ever thinks of that.

"Are you obese?", "You need to lose weight ", "You are a big bag of fat", "You need to get some meat off those bones of yours" , "Are you...okay?"

Would you say these things out loud to a larger person?
No, you just wouldn't, would you? So why is it acceptable to ask a slimmer person questions of the same criteria? 

"Are you anorexic?", "You need to put some weight on", "You are a bag of bones", "Why are you so boney?", "Why are you so skinny?", "Get some meat on your bones", "Are you okay?"

Do you think it doesn't effect the in the same way the same way it would someone who was fat?

I hate the fact that we have a BODY MASS INDEX, that we all must live by? Who decides what BMI we should be anyway? Who cares if I'm "slightly" below average, who cares you're slightly above it? As long as you feel happy in the skin you are in, is that not all that matter? Yes, I may seem a bit smaller and skinnier than the average person, but I'm happy at the moment.

There are still things that I don't like about my body. But I have learnt to accept the way I am. 

It's really not fair. Nobody ever takes into account genes, metabolism, bone structure, medical problems. There are thousands or reasons people are how they are, and why people are the size they are. The above statements may be true in some cases, but for the majority, it's probabaly not.

So, is calling someone skinny really acceptable? Or, do you agree with me that it's just as insensitive as calling someone fat? As as naturally skinny person, I can tell you that it's not very nice being called out for being "too skinny", especially as i tried so hard to put weight on, and wanted so desperately to be "of average size" as I was growing up. It's a bit of a touchy subject but one I wanted to address. I get a weird amount of people asking me my height and weight, and a part of me thinks they are trying to suss out if im underweight in a very sly and kinda creepy way. So now at least i've answered that for you...weirdos. ;)

Moral of the story here though, is that I don't really think it's ever acceptable to comment on anybody's weight, skinny or fat. Why should you ever be allowed an opinion on someone else's body or way of life? You can think it in your head, but the minute you open your mouth it becomes very dangerous, that is of course unless you are opening your mouth to give a compliment, by all means do this. haha. If YOU are happy with the way you look, that's all that matters, and if you aren't, chances are you are doing something about it and working towards something you know you will make you happy.

Everybody is different, and nobody is perfect. It would be a very boring place if this wasn't the case.

Emily xx