Friday 1 May 2015

Hello May

Well...I failed my last blog challenge I set myself. I now know not to promise anything on my blog as I probably will not stick to it...sorry.

Anyway, today is May 1st. This year is going so fast already I can't keep up. Right now, as I am writing this it is dark, miserable and wet outside, I thought May was for warmth and pretty flowers, it supposed to be Spring but obviously it isn't. May is going to be scary. I have a few big things going on. The main one on May 12th I start my exams...yes the exams that pretty much determine how your whole life is going to turn out and yes I am terrified. Technically, my exams have already started because on Monday and Tuesday I had a 10 hour art exam. But that was done in the classroom so, May 12 is when my proper exams that take place in the hall start. This is the reason I have been behind on my blog, basically revising and working on my art book the whole time ( art in school takes up a lot of your time if you didn't know). Once all these exams are over I have an 11 week Summer and a 2 week family holiday to Florida to look forward to. Anyway, this year May is also the month I turn 16, yes 16, when I am finally legal and finally becoming an adult. I'm not too sure if I'm doing anything for my birthday on the 20th but I will have to see.

This whole year is a big one for me. Turning 16, stress, revising, exams, holiday and at the of it I am truly terrified. What if I get lost? What if I get on the wrong bus? What if I hate my teachers, classes? All these questions flooding my mine. Everyone keeps saying to me you'll be fine, but I won't. They're just trying to make me feel better, the first day of college is always daunting for everyone, you cannot lie, I know it is, you cannot tell me it isn't. 

What is your May looking like?
Got anything scary happening in your life?
Let me know in the comments.
Emily xx