Monday 1 June 2015

50 Facts About Me

So...I know I have done a blog post similar to this a while ago which was named '100 Facts About Me' (while I failed at). As this blog post was published a while ago, I feel I may have got some new viewers who may have not seen that previous blog post, they may not know as much about me as my earlier viewers do. So, I have decided to do a 50 Facts About Me video so you can all get to know me know closely. Note: Some of the facts may be new or have changed compared to my last 'Facts About Me' post so most of you will probably not no at least 5 of these probably (maybe more).

1) My full name is Emily Mae Holland.

2) My birthday is on May 20th 1999.

3) My favorite TV shows are Pretty Little Liars, Supernatural, Coronation Street and The Only Way Is Essex (TOWIE).

4) I honestly cannot go anywhere without my iPhone.

5) I cry very easily, meaning I cry at TV shows, movies, books, even seeing someone else crying makes me cry but for some reason I am unable to force myself to cry.

6) When I was 7 years old my house got struck by lightning and I appeared on the news and the radio etc.

7) I honestly adore the Irish accent, I think it's so sexy, haha. Sometimes I even wish I was Irish.

8) Even though I am only 16 I have a list of my favorite girls and boys names for when I have a child or children in the future.

9) Following on from the previous fact, my favorite boys names are Noah, Ezra and Caleb and my favorite girls names are Aria, Lydia Liesl, Madeleine, Madison and Talia.

10) I absolutely adore musicals, my favorites include The Sound Of Music, Les Miserables, Wicked, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and more.

11) If I could have one superpower it would be to be able to read peoples minds.

12) I have many, many fears/phobias but my main ones are spiders, small/enclosed spaces / being locked or trapped in a room, dolls, death, lifts/elevators and thunder and lightning (linked to fact 7).

13)  I have never been to a funeral.

14) When I was younger I had to go to a speech doctor as I could not pronounce words with a C or K in it, I used to pronounce these words with a T, for example, my brother is called Luke and I used to call him Lute.

15) Tango Ice Blasts are the best things about going to the cinema.

16) I suffer from anxiety, in school this make me very vulnerable and makes people think they can say whatever they want to me, as I don't talk much because I am shy, even around my friends. Honestly, I hate it and I wish I don't have to live this way but when people think they can say whatever they want to me because they know I won't fight back, I just bottle up my anger and it makes my anxiety worse.

17) You can often find me reading a book of some sort.

18) I pretty live in comfy PJ bottoms or jogger bottoms. If I don't need to be anywhere I don't see why I have to get dressed.

19) Afterlife and death terrify me.

20) I have no allergies.

21) My favorite school subjects are English and Art.

22) I would much rather be too cold than too hot.

23) Whenever it's Friday the 13th I am always superstitious and paranoid that something bad will happen.

24) I am incredibly indecisive.

25) I absolutely despise mushrooms.

26) My favorite sports are Boxing, Swimming and Badminton.

27) I suffer from exzema, if you didn't know it's when you skin is really dry, red, patchy and sometimes itchy. I'm lucky that I only have it on my hands but recently a little on my face too.

28) My favorite color is Teal.

29) I play no instruments, but I would absolutely love to learn to play piano. It would be a dream to play River Flows In You on piano. 

30) I did karate for a year and a half.

31) I hate tea and coffee.

32) I have a very wide music taste. Meaning I like a lot of different genres, such as Pop, Rock, Rap, Country, Classical, Opera and I love musicals but I guess that's not really a genre.  

33) My favorite time of year is Christmas. I just really get into it, the music, decorations, family time, just everything.

34) I was born in Portsmouth.

35) I love making lists, which means I always have a notebook on me.

36) I am always singing, even though I am not the best singer.

37) Whenever I am really nervous, my hands shake, or I tap, I talk a lot and really fast.

38) I am terrified of public speaking, even just talking to like 5 people I will go bright red and it's horrible.

39) I only really drink water, I usually drink about 3 liters a day.

40) My favorite breakfast is always Greek yogurt and fruit (usually with strawberries and raspberries.

41) I love the feeling of being scared when watching horror films.

42) But during horror films I always predict what going to happen (as most horror films are very predictable, which is annoying).

43) I always listen to music when reading a book and a lot of people find that weird.

44) I love Photography and I really wish I took it as a GCSE.

45) I have always grown up with cats but when I'm older I really want a pug.

46) I hate to say it but I am more of a morning person than a night owl.

47) I have been wearing contact lenses since I was 11 years old.

48) When I'm home I always have to be wearing a pair of fluffy socks as my feet are always cold.

49) I have a massive girl crushes on Ruby Rose, Shay Mitchell, Janel Parrish and Ashley Benson

50) I love baking but I honestly cannot cook at all.

There we go, I actually completed the 50 Facts About Me. I hope this allowed you to get to know me a lot better. I would love to get to know my viewers more so, feel free to leave facts about you in the comments.
Hope you enjoyed it.
Emily xx