Friday 30 August 2013

Those days when...

Do you ever get those days when you just don't want to do anything. Those days when you just want to snuggle up in your bed and watch some movies or watch TV all day. Days where you stay in you pj's all day, 'A pj day' is what most people call it. Or just chuck on some comfortable pj bottoms or jogger bottoms and a nice, comfy, baggy top. Yep today is one of those days for me. It's one of those days where the weather is quite calm but gust's of winds every now an then, cloudy and mild. The type of weather where you don't know if it's going to rain or the sun will come out.

I guess the reason why I wanted to write this post is to try and connect with you as I know at least one of you definitely has these sorts of days sometimes. I have these sorts of days all the time. When I have these sorts of days, like I said earlier I either put some nice, cosy pj bottoms and a baggy, comfortable top or jumper or just a set of suitable clothing for resting at home. By having cosy clothing on when you having just a calm day a home makes you feel snug and homey, if that makes sense. By having these sorts of quiet, calm days at home makes you feel relaxed, at ease if you will.

 I love these sorts of days because well it good to have a little quiet time to yourself. If your getting a bit stressed by some things, possibly school work, something happening with your work place, a family crisis happening, family problems, broke up with a friend, arguments etc. Stress is quite a common thing however some people get it worse than others.

Back to those lazy days at home, there at lots of things you can do (All are optional) (I said a couple earlier which I will mention again), If you find lazy, pj days boring, such as...
  • Make sure your in some comfy clothing, pj's are very good for being comfy and snug.
  • Watch movies/watch TV.
  • Be crafty, for example, make a collage of you favourite photos with your family and friends.
  • Have a long, relaxing, calm bubble bath (More for the evening)
  • Create a comfy place to relax for the day, a sofa, or bed surrounded by pillows and blankets to make it cosy, this helps. (Blankets and pillows can be optional, as you could get to hot)
  • Read a book of you choice, a magazine is good for those you don't like reading as much.
  • Maybe listen to some of your favourite music (I always love doing this)
  • Treat yourself to forbidden foods such as, popcorn, chocolate, sweets, ice cream, it's a lazy day, remember?
  • Make sure you move around ever now and then to loosen your muscles
  • If it's a sunny day go in your garden and sunbathe/relax there, enjoy the sun.
These are just some things that I usually do on lazy pj days.

                                                       I hope you liked this post
                                I realise this post may of been boring so, sorry for that
                                                                   Emily xx

Thursday 29 August 2013


As I am only 14 I am still in school. So at the moment It's half term. I get 6 weeks off. It's nice to get a break from all the school work and horrible teachers etc. So anyway I just thought I would give an update of what I have been up to over the 6 weeks (I apologise if you find it boring)  

2 weeks into the half term I went on a short holiday with my family to Cornwall. This was the 2nd time I had been to Cornwall but this time we stayed at Widemouth Bay Caravan Park in Bude. This was the first time I had ever stayed in a caravan so I was excited to see what it was like. And I have to say it was great, the caravan park included a small mini golf course, an indoor swimming pool, an arcade, a small super market (which was very handy) and a pub. (I would like to apologise, because I took the photos with my phone the quality is quite bad, so, sorry for that).

Side view of the caravan.
We also we to a beach, even though there was stones all over the place and bee's that kept attacking me apart from that the beach was really nice and I had a blast. We went to the mainly to body board as last time we went to Cornwall we loved it so much, especially me. We went there twice throughout the 5 days we were there and both time I spent 3 hours straight in the sea body boarding.

The Beach

Whilst we were at Cornwall most evenings we got to watch the sun go down. I have to say the sun set was beautiful. As you can probably see from the picture underneath.
Beautiful Sun set in Cornwall
Cornwall was the main thing I did in my 6 weeks off. But I have been out with my family quite a lot too. For example I had picnic and went crabbing  last week with my auntie and her dog, my mum and my nan. Which was a very nice afternoon, unfortunately I didn't take any pictures. I also went out yesterday with the same auntie, we went for a shopping trip out to West Quay which was very nice as I don't usually have quality time with my auntie. However I didn't buy much, only a nice, burgundy cardigan from new look which is really nice. Other than these things I have really done many other thing. I do realise that sounds like I don't really do any thing and I don't really go out but honestly I do :).

                                  Really hope you like this post and didn't find it too boring.
                                                                         Emily xx

Wednesday 28 August 2013

First post

OK guys so I'm new to this sort of thing, so I'm not really sure how to works. Hopefully as I post more and more I will understand how to use it. No hate, if you don't like it please don't comment.

This is just an introduction really, so here it goes. My name is Emily and I'm a 14 year old girl. I enjoy drawing, decoration ideas, make up and fashion, I especially like to shop in Primark for nice quality, cheap clothes. I am usually quite a shy, quiet girl however I am growing to become more confident. When it comes to friends and family I am a crazy, loud and weird person but when meeting new people I don't really know what to say and I get very anxious but I just try to be as nice as I can. Whenever I would have to go on stage or talk in front of a class I would completely freeze up as I have major stage fright.

Anyway this is just a way to contact people, and tell you guys what's happening with me and my life etc. Without having to talk.
 Well I hoped you liked this little introduction of me and I hope you will like the sort of things I post about. So please keep your eyes peeled for future posts. I will probably post about what's happening in my life (as I said earlier in this post), possibly some fashion and well if you like my posts I will post some different stuff too.

          Please follow my blog to let me know that someone is actually reading it.
      Leave comments on what you think of this post
Emily xx