Wednesday 26 February 2014

10 Things I Want To Do

From the title it may sound like a bucket list (a list of things I want to do before I die) type post I'm about to do. But it isn't. This is a little different. Instead I'm doing 10 thing I want to do MORE of in my life.

So, let's start :)

1) Drink more water - This was one of my New Years Resolutions and I think many people had the same too. I've kind of had a head start with this. This is because I started drinking a lot more water just before Christmas. Since I started I have been drinking about 2 litres of water almost everyday. So, it's going good so far. Let's see if I can keep it up for the rest of the year.

2) Do more exercise - This is more for when I have finished school because I will have more time. I guess I'm doing a little excersize at school because of PE and I walk to and from t school each day. Each way it takes 15-20 minutes. Also, I'm doing a bit of progress because I have been doing 60 sumo squats and 60 calf raises everyday and about 20 lunges most days. So that good isn't it? I'm also trying to stretch a lot each day.

3) Go out more - on weekends I barely ever meet up with my friends. I always find myself on the internet or watching TV, bad? I know but I'm not the only one who does it. However, I do go out a lot with my family most weekends.

4) Eat healthier - I'm one of those people who has a massive sweet tooth. I love eating junk food, even though I know it's really unhealthy. Honestly, I'm not sure it's a good idea to stop eating junk food or not. I'm one of those people who eat all I want and I don't really gain any weight. Most girls my age (14-15 year olds) weigh around 8 stone. However, I'm 6 stone 12 which I think is underweight for someone my age. So, I'm not really sure how long eating healthy will last.

5) Stress less - My anxiety mainly happens when I have to speak in front of a class, certain exams and when I'm in an elevator. Soon as I let the tiniest bit of anxiety through it will try to take over, I just need to breathe deeply and try to bat it away.

6) Be louder - I am a very shy and quiet person, especially in lesson. At break and lunchtime at school when I'm with my friends. There's no reason to be quiet but sometimes I just don't have anything to say. Especially recently one of my friends keep having a go at me for not saying anything and being quiet at lunch and break. Honestly, she is really getting on my nerves by saying this I don't really have any reason to get annoyed I guess but you will get it if someone kept repeating that to you. This isn't the whole reason why I want to be louder, it's mainly because in class sometimes on my reports my teachers always say I need to ask and answer questions more. So, um yeah that's it really.

7) Read more books

8) Sort out my wardrobe more - I go out shopping with my mum a lot, and every time I go I always end up buying a lot of things, mainly on Primark. However, point most things I buy I have never worn. If I sort out my wardrobe more there will be more space and everything will be my more organized.

9) Take more baths - This isn't anything much but I usually take showers but recently I have become a little obsessed with a shop Lush this is a bath and body type shop. I love the bath bombs and bubble bars especially and this has encouraged me to have more baths. To be honest I like these more. They are much more relaxing and a good way to rest after a hard day.

10) Keep my room tidy - I am a really messy person and well I just let my room get too messy, too quickly. So, basically I will just try and be tidy so my mum won't have a go at me for being messy, haha.

So, there it is.
The things I want to do more if.
Feel free to do this yourself too. If you do post a link in the comments of the post and I will check it out :)

By the way, you can probably tell I really love making lists. But there will be more lists to come so start looking out for those. I hope you like these sort of posts.

Emily xx

Wednesday 19 February 2014

100 things I dislike (fail!)

I know I'm a little later than when I said I will post this but I am still delivering it to you. This is another post about me. I hope your not finding it too boring.

Ok, let's just hope this is easier than my '100 thing I like' post.

100 things I dislike
(Again, in no particular order)

1) Lightning

2) Nightmares 

3) Direct eye contact

4) 'Secret' conversations

5) Sweat

6) Hot weather

7) Sarcasm

8) Mushrooms

9) Spicey scents 

10) People who boast

11) People who walk slow

12) Public transport

13) The smell of bonfires

14) Chat up lines

15) Bullies

16) Ginger (the taste)

17) Fake people

18) Strict people

19) Rules

20) Pretending everything is ok when it's not

21) Being told to "calm down"

22) Being early to the airport

23) Long car journeys

24) Getting lost

25) Smoking/people who smoke

26) People who talk loudly

27) People who talk loudly on the phone in a public place

28) Being interrupted

29) Betrayal

30) People who don't keep their promises

31) People who don't keep secrets (especially if they tell someone my secrets)

32) Slow internet connection

33) When people never finish their sentences

34) When people repeat themselves too much (even though I do this a lot :/)

35) Justin Bieber

36) When I say I'm fine (and I actually am) and someone repeatedly asks me "are you ok?"

37) People who think they know everything

38) Bitches

39) Sluts

40) Missing someone

41) Being shouted at

42) When my parents fight

43) Seeing someone crying

44) Being told what do to

45) When I can't get comfortable

46) Spiders

47) Snakes

48) Dolls

49) Not being able to get to sleep

50) Being outside when it's dark

51) People who constantly talk and don't shut up

52) Romantic/cheesy movies

53) Being scared at night

54) Mayonnaise

55) Prawns

56) Crowds

57) Elevators

58) Small spaces

59) Waiting in line

60) Friends who take advantage of me

61) Being stared at

62) Rumours

63) Nosey people

64) Animal abuse

65) Mist/fog

66) My brother

67) When people lie to me

68) When people (especially if it's friends) talk about me behind my back and I know it

69) People who complain a lot

70) When people chew with their mouth open

71) Homework

72) People touching my neck

Urm, well I can safely say that this was MUCH harder than the '100 thing I like' list. You can tell because well I didn't get to 100 things :(
I'm sorry I failed there.

Emily xx

Friday 14 February 2014

100 things I like

Hey, I'm back again. I'm sorry I haven't posted for a while. Also, I'm sorry that 'Motivational Monday' didn't really last that long.
Anyway, I'm back with a fun (for me, possible not for you) getting to know me post.

100 things I like 
(This is in no particular order)

1) Supernatural (Tv show)

2) Ghost stories

3) The sound of rain

4) Notebooks

5) Bath bombs

6) Winter

7) Christmas songs

8) Onezie' s

9) Fluffy pj' s

10) Taking photos

11) Pugs

12) Huskies

13) Hot chocolate

14) Making lists

15) Sunsets

17) Art/drawing

18) Sour Sweets

19) Being inside when it's cold outside

20) Making collages out of photos of family and friends

21) Fluffy socks

22) Wolf's

23) YouTube

24) Christmas (decorations, trees, songs, Christmas jumpers etc and just being festive really)

25) High necked jumpers

26) Peter pan collars

27) Cable Knit

28) Dressing gowns

29) Horror Movies

30) My phone

31) Popcorn

32) Fluffy hoods

33) Soap and glory

34) Primark

35) Lush

36) Green Apples scent

37) Vanilla (scent and taste)

38) Ben and Jerry' s cookie dough ice cream

39) Tartan

40) Leggings

41) My kindle

42) Hot baths

43) Teal

44) my friends

45) Shopping

46) Sad movies

47) Hot water bottles

48) Camping

49) Candles

50) Fluffy clouds

51) Rainbows

52) Young Leonardo DiCaprio (he was hot ;) )

53) Soft jumpers

54) Hail storms

55) Soft carpets

56) bean bags

57) Long hair

58) Arcades

59) Noodles

60) Waterfalls

61) Piano sounds

62) Mint ice cream

63) Snow

64) Fields


66) Lakes

67) Sunglasses

68) Cruises

69) Dimples!

70) Defined cheek bones

71) Blue eyes

72) Pj bottoms

73) Fish and chips

74) Creepy urban legends

75) Crabbing

76) Body-boarding

77) Lemonade

78) Ice water

79) warm milk

80) The ocean (watching and listening to it)

81) Bbq' s

82) Caravans

83) Parka coats

84) Black (fake or real) leather bags

85) Blankets

86) Bedroom accessories

87) The Range (shop)

88) Fire places

89) Leopard print

90) Stawberries

91) Tangle teezers (brush)

92) Wavy hair

93) Paper Chase

94) My bed

95) Smoothies ( especially banana or strawberry)

96) Blenders

97) Golden Grahams (cereal)

98) Pop tarts

99) earphones

100) Pictures of family and friends

Wow, that took a bit of thinking.
I hope you liked learning a bit more about me.
I think I might do a '100 things I dislike' list too (if I can think of enough) maybe I will put it up tomorrow.

Emily xx