Wednesday 26 February 2014

10 Things I Want To Do

From the title it may sound like a bucket list (a list of things I want to do before I die) type post I'm about to do. But it isn't. This is a little different. Instead I'm doing 10 thing I want to do MORE of in my life.

So, let's start :)

1) Drink more water - This was one of my New Years Resolutions and I think many people had the same too. I've kind of had a head start with this. This is because I started drinking a lot more water just before Christmas. Since I started I have been drinking about 2 litres of water almost everyday. So, it's going good so far. Let's see if I can keep it up for the rest of the year.

2) Do more exercise - This is more for when I have finished school because I will have more time. I guess I'm doing a little excersize at school because of PE and I walk to and from t school each day. Each way it takes 15-20 minutes. Also, I'm doing a bit of progress because I have been doing 60 sumo squats and 60 calf raises everyday and about 20 lunges most days. So that good isn't it? I'm also trying to stretch a lot each day.

3) Go out more - on weekends I barely ever meet up with my friends. I always find myself on the internet or watching TV, bad? I know but I'm not the only one who does it. However, I do go out a lot with my family most weekends.

4) Eat healthier - I'm one of those people who has a massive sweet tooth. I love eating junk food, even though I know it's really unhealthy. Honestly, I'm not sure it's a good idea to stop eating junk food or not. I'm one of those people who eat all I want and I don't really gain any weight. Most girls my age (14-15 year olds) weigh around 8 stone. However, I'm 6 stone 12 which I think is underweight for someone my age. So, I'm not really sure how long eating healthy will last.

5) Stress less - My anxiety mainly happens when I have to speak in front of a class, certain exams and when I'm in an elevator. Soon as I let the tiniest bit of anxiety through it will try to take over, I just need to breathe deeply and try to bat it away.

6) Be louder - I am a very shy and quiet person, especially in lesson. At break and lunchtime at school when I'm with my friends. There's no reason to be quiet but sometimes I just don't have anything to say. Especially recently one of my friends keep having a go at me for not saying anything and being quiet at lunch and break. Honestly, she is really getting on my nerves by saying this I don't really have any reason to get annoyed I guess but you will get it if someone kept repeating that to you. This isn't the whole reason why I want to be louder, it's mainly because in class sometimes on my reports my teachers always say I need to ask and answer questions more. So, um yeah that's it really.

7) Read more books

8) Sort out my wardrobe more - I go out shopping with my mum a lot, and every time I go I always end up buying a lot of things, mainly on Primark. However, point most things I buy I have never worn. If I sort out my wardrobe more there will be more space and everything will be my more organized.

9) Take more baths - This isn't anything much but I usually take showers but recently I have become a little obsessed with a shop Lush this is a bath and body type shop. I love the bath bombs and bubble bars especially and this has encouraged me to have more baths. To be honest I like these more. They are much more relaxing and a good way to rest after a hard day.

10) Keep my room tidy - I am a really messy person and well I just let my room get too messy, too quickly. So, basically I will just try and be tidy so my mum won't have a go at me for being messy, haha.

So, there it is.
The things I want to do more if.
Feel free to do this yourself too. If you do post a link in the comments of the post and I will check it out :)

By the way, you can probably tell I really love making lists. But there will be more lists to come so start looking out for those. I hope you like these sort of posts.

Emily xx

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