Monday 26 May 2014

100 Facts About Me (fail...again)

So, I haven't done a blog post for over a week now. I didn't really plan this and I didn't really know what to write about... so I just thought it's time you know even more about me.

Yep, another list. Even though its a lot. Today i'm doing...

1) Even though I only watched it 2 days ago, Les Miserables is already one of my favorite films.

2) I have a massive fear of dolls and anything similar to them, for example porcelain dolls (mainly), manikins, ventriloquist dolls and well anything in that sort of category.   

2) (you may already know) I love making lists 

3) I am a really fussy eater, I stick to what I know and love

4) I am an incredibly shy person but once I'm comfortable around you, you will think I'm a complete weirdo 

5) I only feel comfortable properly singing in front of my mum (I'm not that good though in my opinon)

6) I have 3 pets. 2 cats named Tommy and Pickles and 1 rabbit named Maggie

7) I want a pug SO badly!

8) I am a really messy person, but for some reason once I start tidying I don't stop until everything is away and tidy 

9) I have extreme stage fright!

10) Teal is my favorite color ever!

11) As boring as it is, pasta is probably my favorite food

12) Ben & Jerry's cookie dough is the best thing ever! I would eat a tub every day if I could.

13) My full name is Emily Mae Holland

14) I have been wearing contact lenses since I was 11 ( 4 years)

15) Not sure why but I love getting/ buying new socks (maybe it's because my socks always seem to get lost somehow)

16) I seriously love the sound of rain (and watching it)

17) The Vamps and The Script are my favorite bands

18) I love buying new pajamas (I own way too many)

19) I got my first iPhone (iPhone 5c) for my 15th birthday which was on 20th May and I absolutely love it SO much (why didn't I get one earlier)

20) I've never watched Titanic

21) My top 3 favorite songs ever are Mr Brightside by The Killers, Man who cant be moved by The Script and Wake me up when September ends by Green Day

22) My favorite book is The Fault in our Stars by John Green

23) I can't stand the heat

24) Autumn/Winter is my favorite season

25) My house got struck by lighting when I was 7 years old

26)... and since then I have had a fear of thunder and lightning

27) Art and English are my favorite subjects in school

28) Rainbows instantly make me happy

29) My favorite quots are 'Just Say Yes' (one of favorite youtubers, Zoella loves this quote) and 'Do More of What Makes You Happy' ( one of my other favorite youtubers, PointlessBlog loves this quote)

30) I did karate for 1 and a half years ( from 12- 13 and a half)

31) I love to bake but whatever I bake always goes wrong (I really wish I was better!)

32) I love candles

33) I love note books and writing in them (I always have one with me)

34) Now, my favorite thing to have for breakfast is low fat Greek honey yogurt with strawberries on it and sometimes raspberries (I only started eating this recently)

35) Christmas is my favorite, favorite holiday ever! I get so excited and festive and I LOVE shopping for decorations for my room. Anything Christmas I love! songs too

36) My face goes red SO easily, the slightest bit of exercise I go red, if a teacher says my name I go red. I hate it SO much!!!!

37) I have a collective music taste. I can go from liking bands such as 5 Seconds of Summer and The Vamps to Linkin Park and Green Day

38) I am terrified of public speaking

39) I hate long car journeys, mainly because I get extremely car sick.

40) My favorite boys name is Noah. I absolutely love it so much. If I had a child and it was a boy, I would call him Noah

41) I'm such a family girl. I would rather spend time with my family than my friends to be honest

42) Pj days are the best kind of days for me. Staying in my pj's all day, not having my contact lenses in, watching movies etc

43) I am addicted to Youtube. Some of my favorite youtubers are Zoella, PointlessBlog, ThatcherJoe, Marcus Butler and more.

44) I have a thing about personal space, if I'm talking to someone face to face I usually take a step back also I don't like hugging people, if feels like their invading my personal space (weird I know)

45) Linked with the previous one, I can't handle people touching my neck, again it feels like their invading my personal space.

46) I love making smoothies (especially in Summer)

47) My favorite cereal is Golden Grahams

48) My family is planning to go to Florida next year and I can't wait to stock up on Pop Tarts

49) The main thing I am looking forward to when I'm older is decorating my house.

50) Supernatural, Orange is the New Black and Coronation Street are my favorite TV shows (there's probably more but I can't think)

51) I have a massive fear of spiders

52) I can't handle being locked in, being in small enclosed spaces etc (I have Claustrophobia)

53) I extremely love having a nice, relaxing bubble bath.

54) I love the bath bombs from the shop Lush

55) I really hate the word moist (it sounds disgusting to me for some reason)

56) My favorite scents are green apples and vanilla

57) I can't stand spicy foods (mainly cinnamon)

58) Being a bridesmaid at my cousins wedding on May 4th of this year was the most special occasion for me ever.

59) I love theme parks and roller coasters

60) I think taking photos is very important because its a way to store you memories, you can keep them forever. Whether its in physical form or on a computer/ hard drive

61) When I was little I had an imaginary friend named Lucy

62) I always debate whether ghosts, spirits etc are real or not

63) I always wonder what an outer body experience would be like

64) I have not broken, fractured or sprained anything in my body \(touch wood)

65) I can't wait till I have children (not for a long while yet, I'm only 15)

66) I worry over so many things which sometimes cause panic attacks

67) I dread to think what I will be like learning to drive

68) Even with water I can't swallow tablets, I always have to have them dissolved in water

69) My mum and dad were going to call me Holly, so my name would of been Holly Holland but my mum thought people would make fun of me

70) I don't have any piercings, not even my ears

71) I have an OCD thing where I can't have volume on any odd number. Not sure why but if I know the volume is on an odd number I have to change it.

72) Even though I'm a girl, I really dislike shopping. I know the shops I like, so I just go in them (Primark and topshop) and I will get out. Well... I love buying new clothes etc and looking through the shops but because its usually quite crowded I can't stand feeling claustrophobic like that.

73) I have anxiety :(

74) (linked to previous one) When I feel anxious or I feel a panic attack coming on, I always have to write down what I am feeling for some reason it make me feel better.

OK, um yet again I have failed at making a complete list. I said I was going to tell you 100 things about me and I didn't...sorry. 

I guess I'm not interesting enough to think of 100 things..haha

Anyway, I'm sorry if you found that extremely boring or maybe you found it interesting but I hope it was interesting enough at least.

Let me know some facts about you in the comments.
Emily xx

Friday 16 May 2014

Claustrophobia (re-written)

I wrote a post about Claustrophobia a while ago. I literally only just deleted it because I thought it was too rushed. So I thought I would re-write it but this time I will put a lot more thought into it, take my time and also include more on what it feels like and having it myself etc.

What is Claustrophobia?
Claustrophobia is defined as an extreme fear of confined/enclosed spaces and being closed in. It is an anxiety disorder and can cause panic attacks. People who suffer often cause the person to avoid taking part in many events where they know it will be crowded. This also cause them to avoid public transportation. The levels of Claustrophobia vary. 

I suffer with Claustrophobia. The main place where my anxiety occurs is in elevators (lifts) but it occurs whenever I have to take public transport too, such as trains. If there is an option of the stairs or going in an elevator, I always pick the stairs. No matter who many flights of stairs I have to go up. Having Claustrophobia is horrible, you are unable to breath, you feel the walls are closing in, you are unable to escape, you have high levels of fear and anxiety. You feel like you can't escape from it.

Having Claustrophobia can be extremely hard for a lot of people. It can severely limit your life, causing you to miss out on a lot of things, that you would otherwise enjoy. For example missing out at music festivals due to it being extremely crowded, missing out on going on holiday because you may refuse to sit on a confined airplane for however many hours next to a load of strangers. You can miss out on a lot of amazing opportunities that you may not get to experience ever again. Usually, when a sufferer of Claustrophobia enters any room really, they will instantly look for the exits. They do this because if they feel fairly anxious when they walk in the room they will want to know where each exit is just in case they start to panic. When they start to panic and feel scared its good to know where the exits are so it will be easy to escape. This is a very good idea in my opinion. If you come out of your comfort zone for once and you decide to attend something you had no intention of going to before because of your Claustrophobia, then looking for the exits first is something you should definitely do if you feel uncomfortable.

Luckily, my Claustrophobia isn't extreme. However, it isn't mild either. My Claustrophobia is somewhere in the middle. In places such as elevators they are the worst for me. My Claustrophobia is at it's highest whenever I am in an elevator and its not good that I also have a fear of elevators too. Not only that but I get very anxious in very crowded places too.

Just a few places where people usually get Claustrophobia are:
Elevators (lifts)
Crowded areas
Room with no windows
Small rooms
Subway trains (the tube)
and more

Symptoms that usually occur:
Accelerated heart rate
Panics attacks
Hyperventilating (over breathing)
Dry mouth
Hot flushes
Light - headedness
and more

Doctors say that they haven't actually found the real cause for Claustrophobia but they do say that for some people it may be linked to a past (childhood) experience with small confined rooms.

Well, overall Claustrophobia is just horrible really. No-one should have to suffer with it.
If Claustrophobia really effects your day-to-day life you should try and see a psychologist or a psychiatrist. They will really help if you suffer extremely bad from it

Do you have Claustrophobia?
Emily xx

Tuesday 6 May 2014

My Cousin's Wedding

On Sunday, May 4th, my cousin Michelle got married. The wedding took place and the Marwell hotel. Luckily, I had the amazing honor of being one of her bridesmaids, this was the first ever time I was bridesmaid, so it was a very exciting opportunity for me. I had an amazing day/night. The highlight was definitely my 17 year old brother Luke, dancing and out of control because. May not sound much but he was incredibly drunk (he literally never dances usually) and when he's drunk he just dances. Which was the funniest thing ever, everyone found it hilarious. It wasn't even really dancing it was just jumping and flapping his arms all over the place. The next morning he had barley any memory of what happened that night.

Many photos were taken and I have decided to share some of my favorites with you, and yes, for once I am adding photos to one of my blog posts.

This is my favorite photo of them all. On the left is my cousin Rachel, who was one of the other bridesmaids, and that's me on the right.

I really like this photo too. This is basically just a group photo of most of my relatives who went to the wedding. The far left is my cousin Michelle who was the bride (as you can probably see from the dress)

Sorry, this isn't that big. From left me, cousin Michelle, cousin Rachel.

I love these boys! They were all hilarious at the wedding. In this picture they were no where near as drunk as they were at the end. But they were still slightly drunk in this picture. From the left, cousin Chris, my dad, my brother Luke and lastly my cousin George.

I like this one purely because no-one is posing or anything, its like an action type of shot, its natural and I like that. Anyway, this is me helping Rachel who's sorting out Michelle's dress.

(I had to make this one a big bigger so you could see the photos) This is another one of the boys drunk, same people are in this from the other photo, except the second one from the left is a very good family friend, Jason. Love this!

Ok, So that was just a few pictures from the wedding day. I hope you like them. Please let me know if I should include pictures in my blog posts more often. Personally, I think they make the posts a bit more interesting instead of a big long post just with writing. The pictures break up the writing a bit,

The wedding was just amazing. I had a brilliant time! and it was honestly the highlight of my year so far. I wish I could go back to that day.

What do you think?
Shall I include pictures more often?
Emily x