Tuesday 10 June 2014

Bullying (Please read!)


Bullying is a really sensitive subject for a lot of people. It can cause people to self harm, get depression, run away from home, move schools continuously and more but in some really sad cases sometimes people commit suicide because of bullying.

I have been watching Britains Got Talent recently. If you don't know what it is, it is a popular TV talent show that's on every year and the winner performs at the Royal variety show. This year one particular act really spoke to me. It was 2 young boys and the act it called Bars and Melody. Please just watch This and you will see what I mean. It's their audition. If you watched it you would of heard that the song is about anti-bullying. This song really spoke to me and it meant even more because it came from the heart. Leondre (the younger one) experienced bullying severely for a long time, he wrote the rap himself to share his feelings. This song is just amazing and so inspirational. It has helped a lot of people.

Thank you Bars and Melody for sharing your dreadful bullying experience through an amazing song! x

In primary school from years 5 - year 6, I got bullied a bit too. It was specifically this one girl who bullied me in primary school. I used to be an extremely shy person (and I still am but I'm slightly more confident now) so she took advantage of that, I guess she thought I was an easy target because I couldn't defend myself. Everyday when I walked home from school she used to purposely bump into me and push me and trip me up. Whenever I turned around to her because she was bothering me she would just shout "what are you gonna do about it huh"  and because I was to shy to say anything I would just turn back around and carry on walking. She would push me again and say "Why aren't you saying anything, too scared?" because I was so sensitive, it would really hurt me inside. I would cry the whole way home and go straight up to my room and those things she saying to me repeated in my head every night "bitch, wimp, coward, no-one likes you, your worthless, your ugly, stupid, loser, " and more. 

Every class she used to sit behind me and kick my chair, point and laugh at me and whisper to her friend. I think that this had effected me because now, I always get extremely paranoid that whenever some one is whispering or giggling with their friend in one of my classes I always think that their talking about me (even if there not) It feels like it's eats me up inside. I wanna say something but I can't. I hate it, it makes me feel stressed and worried all the time.

Even one of my best friends shouts at me most days at break or lunch time at school for being too quiet. She shouts at me saying "Emily, don't just stand there, you need to talk!" when she said that, the first time was only a few weeks ago. It really hurt me.

I realize that this sounds like nothing compared to some peoples bullying stories. Unfortunately, a lot of people have it much, much worse. Some stories are incredibly sad and I dread to think what it felt like to be bullied like that. Bullying is a horrible thing that no one should have to go through.
Bullies are just disgusting. The thing is that most bullies are probably going through a hard time to but they just need to take it out on someone else. Or they bully people because they think it's cool, it's NOT! 

If you are being bullied you need to tell someone. If you don't tell someone you will end up feeling trapped, unable to escape. It's better to tell someone because they might know what to do.

Most people bully other people because their sexuality, race, religion, weight, sometimes if you have a disability and there are lot more reasons.

Bullying is disgusting and a horrible thing to make innocent people suffer through. It's NOT COOL, it's WON'T make you feel any better about yourself and it's NOT a reason to take it out on people. 

Bullying honestly needs to stop. The majority of suicides is to do with bullying, some people just couldn't take it anymore.
Stop Bullying Now!
Emily xx


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