Thursday 28 August 2014

School Days

Me and my friends on the last day of year 9 (most are mugshots haha), I am the one on the far right by the way.

It's that time of the year again, where some migrate from their primary schools, into the big realm of secondary, where some leave school and head to a new college or sixth form or where people leave college to attend university. It's daunting no matter what stage your at. In September, I will be heading into the final year of secondary school (year 11). Very scary. My final exams will soon come around and my results will determine my future. I remember being terrified on my first day of secondary school. I had my 3 close best friends going to the same school as me but unfortunately, were not in any of my classes. This terrified me as I was a little fish in a big pond.

I was (and still am really) an extremely shy student, emphasis on student. I am never really shy around my family and friends, I just decided to be a wallflower when it came to class discussions and answering questions. I was (and again, still am really)always the student who never raised her hand because she was worried what people would think of her or because she thinks people may laugh at her. Or the student who purposely didn't look the teacher in the eye just in case they asked me a question. Even though I don't make any input in class discussions, I listen well, took everything in, and got on with my work without any fuss. However, it's very normal to be this way around characters much bigger than yourself who you aren't sure of yet. It's very hard to find where you fit in the class dynamic. However, it doesn't take long to feel comfortable with teachers and to find those people in the class who you can buddy up with to feel a little more confident. 
Luckily, as I knew my 3 best friends from primary school were not in any of my classes, I guess I was forced to make new friends. Lucky, for me that didn't take long. When it came to my first science lesson of year 7, we were put in a seating plan. I was placed on a table with 2 girls, Anais and Mia who were both friends too. I became comfortable talking to them fairly quickly and they soon introduced to their friend Sian. We all became friends very quickly. Now, going into year 11, we are still friends. 

I went from a primary school with around 100 students, to a secondary school with thousands of students. As I said before, I was a little fish in a very big school. 

I am still a quiet/shy student but I know that I have grown as a person throughout the years in school. I occasionally raise my hand in class now (not often but that's just how I am). 

Some people fit in to a new learning environment straight away, and completely relish in the new and exciting move forward in their lives, or they just don't have a care in the world. MOST, are anxious, nervous, and feel they don't fit in. 

School life is what you make of it, some people hate school, some love it. Personally, I'm in the middle really. There have been low moments of course (anxiety/panic attacks, arguments, I HATE DOING THESE LESSONS days, I HATE THIS TEACHER days). But I guess only when you finish school is when you really appreciate how school morphs you into the person you become. It tests your independence, your skills, your patience, so many things. Not only do you learn skills and vast amounts of useful information (that's just a given) but the life skills gained are just as valuable. It's so important to push yourself out of your comfort zone (I have really trying to do this the last few months) and try as many things as you can. If you shy (like me), try to tell yourself you'll raise your hand at least once every lesson (I am really trying to do this). If you naughty, the loud one of the group, try harder to give other people a chance to speak and sit and take things in a little more. If there is something you are not enjoying about school, only you can change it.

 But at the ends of the day, you will realize that what you learn in school and your final results will determine you future.    

Make the most of every single day at school, because believe me, I am now in year 11 and I honestly cannot believe how fast it's gone. Try to enjoy your time at school, make the most of your time there because you won't get a second chance at school.
Emily xx

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