Wednesday 31 December 2014

2014 Flashback

Today, marks the last day of 2014!
Wow, 2014 what a year!

It's only when you sit down and truly think whether the past year was the best or worst year of your life. For me, it's both. It may be hard to think how a year can be the best and worst year of your life, but it truly was. 2014 defiantly had it's ups and downs, but I won't bore you with going through my year month by month. I have chosen to just pick out my highlights.

Firstly, lets start off with Alton Towers. At the beginning of April my family and I chose to go on a family day out at Alton Towers. I feel this was such an enjoyable day filled with laughs and lots of roller coasters. It may not sound like that much to you but it was probably the best family day out that I have had in a long time and I'm glad that I can now say that I have been on The Smiler. 
And you can find out more about that day here

By far, the biggest highlight of 2014 was my cousin Michelle's wedding. This happened on the 4th of May and the wedding took place at the Marwell Hotel. I had the amazing honour of being one of her bridesmaids  The day was filled with giggles, glam, champagne, tears and smiles but the night on the other hand was a completely different story. It was filled with loud music, dancing, food, vodka, more champagne and more laughs. It was truly a night to remember. My biggest highlight of the night was seeing my 17 year old drunk brother on the dance floor, dancing all over the place and coming out with hilarious one-liners. I think the wedding was truly a highlight of 2014 for everyone in my family
And you can see pictures of this highlight here

Those were probably my two main highlights of the year, I know not much. But now as you know not every year is perfect. I did have some tough spots within the year...

Firstly, my anxiety. As you know from a few blog posts I suffer from anxiety and yes, this year was very tough. I struggled massively from anxiety and panic attacks this year from exams, to speaking in front of the class, to feeling anxious just sat on my bed or walking to school. I had panic attacks from a lot of different things. I have realized that it is getting worse.  But this year I opened up a bit about it. Firstly, my friend Hannah, she told me that she had her first panic attack this year and that's when I chose to open up too and now whenever she feels anxious or has had a panic attack recently she talks to me in science class. Since then, I have opened up to a few of my other friends too but I don't know if they understand it as well as Hannah does. However, I still haven't told my mum but honestly I will soon.

Now that my anxiety ramble is out the way. A few weeks a go a had a bit of bad news. My cat, Tommy is 12, and my family and I noticed that on the side on his neck he seemed to have a visible bump from the outside. We gave it a few days but it only got bigger. So, my mum booked an appointment to the vets and took him. On that Friday after school my mum sat me and my brother down and told us that Tommy has cancer, he has a tumor in his mouth and doesn't have that long left to live. We have to make a decision as a family when to put him down. Today it is December 31st and we haven't put him down yet, he doesn't seem to be showing any pain so we haven't done it yet. Recently, that has made me extremely upset. Not many people know how close a pet can be to you.

Anyway, 2014 has had it's ups and downs. But 2015 is just round the corner and I have a bigger year ahead of me so, I am determined to make it the best yet.

How has 2014 been for you?
Happy New Years!
Emily xx 

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