Wednesday 28 August 2013

First post

OK guys so I'm new to this sort of thing, so I'm not really sure how to works. Hopefully as I post more and more I will understand how to use it. No hate, if you don't like it please don't comment.

This is just an introduction really, so here it goes. My name is Emily and I'm a 14 year old girl. I enjoy drawing, decoration ideas, make up and fashion, I especially like to shop in Primark for nice quality, cheap clothes. I am usually quite a shy, quiet girl however I am growing to become more confident. When it comes to friends and family I am a crazy, loud and weird person but when meeting new people I don't really know what to say and I get very anxious but I just try to be as nice as I can. Whenever I would have to go on stage or talk in front of a class I would completely freeze up as I have major stage fright.

Anyway this is just a way to contact people, and tell you guys what's happening with me and my life etc. Without having to talk.
 Well I hoped you liked this little introduction of me and I hope you will like the sort of things I post about. So please keep your eyes peeled for future posts. I will probably post about what's happening in my life (as I said earlier in this post), possibly some fashion and well if you like my posts I will post some different stuff too.

          Please follow my blog to let me know that someone is actually reading it.
      Leave comments on what you think of this post
Emily xx

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