Friday 30 August 2013

Those days when...

Do you ever get those days when you just don't want to do anything. Those days when you just want to snuggle up in your bed and watch some movies or watch TV all day. Days where you stay in you pj's all day, 'A pj day' is what most people call it. Or just chuck on some comfortable pj bottoms or jogger bottoms and a nice, comfy, baggy top. Yep today is one of those days for me. It's one of those days where the weather is quite calm but gust's of winds every now an then, cloudy and mild. The type of weather where you don't know if it's going to rain or the sun will come out.

I guess the reason why I wanted to write this post is to try and connect with you as I know at least one of you definitely has these sorts of days sometimes. I have these sorts of days all the time. When I have these sorts of days, like I said earlier I either put some nice, cosy pj bottoms and a baggy, comfortable top or jumper or just a set of suitable clothing for resting at home. By having cosy clothing on when you having just a calm day a home makes you feel snug and homey, if that makes sense. By having these sorts of quiet, calm days at home makes you feel relaxed, at ease if you will.

 I love these sorts of days because well it good to have a little quiet time to yourself. If your getting a bit stressed by some things, possibly school work, something happening with your work place, a family crisis happening, family problems, broke up with a friend, arguments etc. Stress is quite a common thing however some people get it worse than others.

Back to those lazy days at home, there at lots of things you can do (All are optional) (I said a couple earlier which I will mention again), If you find lazy, pj days boring, such as...
  • Make sure your in some comfy clothing, pj's are very good for being comfy and snug.
  • Watch movies/watch TV.
  • Be crafty, for example, make a collage of you favourite photos with your family and friends.
  • Have a long, relaxing, calm bubble bath (More for the evening)
  • Create a comfy place to relax for the day, a sofa, or bed surrounded by pillows and blankets to make it cosy, this helps. (Blankets and pillows can be optional, as you could get to hot)
  • Read a book of you choice, a magazine is good for those you don't like reading as much.
  • Maybe listen to some of your favourite music (I always love doing this)
  • Treat yourself to forbidden foods such as, popcorn, chocolate, sweets, ice cream, it's a lazy day, remember?
  • Make sure you move around ever now and then to loosen your muscles
  • If it's a sunny day go in your garden and sunbathe/relax there, enjoy the sun.
These are just some things that I usually do on lazy pj days.

                                                       I hope you liked this post
                                I realise this post may of been boring so, sorry for that
                                                                   Emily xx

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