Thursday, 31 October 2013

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween everyone!

I know I did a Halloween themed post last time so I will keep this short but today is Halloween! As you probably know. Some people don't like or don't celebrate Halloween. Y
But I guess your never too old for Halloween. We have stopped putting decorations up but I still go trick or treating, I'm not really sure when I'll stop but I'm looking forward to going trick or treating with my friend tonight! 

I am going as a devil for Halloween. What are you dressing up as?
Are you going out tonight for Halloween or are you just going to sit at home and have a movie marathon or something?
Let me know.
Emily xx

Monday, 28 October 2013

Monday Insights #2

The evenings are drawing in quicker, the clocks have gone back, the temperature is slowly dropping, you have the overwhelming urge to snuggle down with a blanket and watch a movie. This can only mean one thing, the winter is coming! 

We all know Christmas is only about 2 months away (blimey that's gone quick) which I am very excited about! But Halloween arrives first. It is 3 days until Halloween so I thought I will do a Halloween themed post. 

1) What are you doing this year for Halloween?
This year my friend is coming to my house then we are going trick or treating round my way because there are a lot of roads down where I live, some people may think that someone aged 14 may be a bit old for trick or treating but oh well your never too old for trick or treating. After that we are having a sleepover round mine and feasting on the treats :D

2) What is a weird/odd fear you have?
Hmm, I'm not really sure if this is odd but I have a fear of lift/elevators. I hate them. I get really claustrophobic easily especially in elevators.

3) What is your favourite Halloween decoration?
Well you can never go wrong with a classic pumpkin lit up outside your house or in your front room window.

4) What is your best Halloween memory?
Haha um ok well I was about 9 years old and I was with my friend and her 3 other friends. We went up to this house which has a life size Frankenstein sat on a stall outside the house surrounded by tombstones and smoke. What happened was we knocked on the door and the Frankenstein jumped up started groaning loudly and chased us down the street. We all just burst out crying but remember we were only 9. At the time it was terrifying but now looking back at it, it sounds quite funny.

5) 1-10, How much do you enjoy Halloween?

6) How do you get into the Halloween spirit?
Pumpkin carving and watching Halloween themed videos on YouTube (has Halloween tags  etc)

7) Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes and no. I do think there is some sort of paranormal life out there but I'm not actually sure if I believe in them or not.

So, that was just s few Halloween themed questions to get you into the Halloween spirit. Most of these questions were from a Halloween tag but one or two of the questions I thought of myself.
I hope this got you in the mood for Halloween, what ever your doing for it, I hope you have fun.

Emily xx

Monday, 21 October 2013

Monday Insights #1

I have decided to end the Monday Updates series and and start a new series called Monday Insights. If you read sprinkleofglitter's blog you will know she foes a Monday Insights series but she finished it today, which is a shame. You may think I'm copying her by calling it the same thing but I'm doing something a little different. She said a topic to focus on and you guys would comment questions related to that topic for each post. I am going to choose myself a topic to focus on. This is because I know I don't really have any readers so I know no-one would comment which will be a bit of a struggle. 

I know the Monday Updates series was only 5 posts long but I thought it was a bit boring for you to just read what's going on in my life. In the new Monday series I may still do a very small brief update every couple of Monday's but I will mainly focus on different topics for each week. Unfortunately I am not doing a topic for today's post as this was just a little introduction for the new series. 

Each post I will say what the topic is on each week so next Monday's topic is...
Stationary Obsession
This topic may be a bit boring but just a quick brief on what I t will be like is... I love stationary especially notebooks and I always loving making lists! Don't worry there will be more interesting topics after.
Sorry for the short blog post.
Emily xxx
Please comment!

Monday, 14 October 2013

Monday Updates #5

So, here it is Monday Updates number 5 and this time is actually on a Monday. So since nothing has happened recently as I had thought. If you live in the UK you will have noticed that the weather has gotten colder and that means it's Autumn :D Last week I promised I would answer some Autumn themed questions for you instead of doing an update. Doing the Autumn themed questions now is a very good time so let's gets on with it.

Do you like Autumn?
Yes, I love Autumn. The beautiful different coloured leaves that have fallen from the changing trees. I just love the thought of of that.

What is your favourite and least favourite thing about Autumn?
My favourite thing is seeing all the beautiful golden and brown leaves that have fallen from the trees onto the ground and creating beautiful scenery and hearing the crisp and crunch of the leaves underneath my shoes also I know it's jumper weather, where I can snuggle up in a nice cosy jumper by the fire. However I don't like having to get up early for school and having to walking to school in the freezing cold weather.

Favourite accessory to wear?
I am not a huge accessory fan but I love the jersey style scarves and I really want to wear them this Autumn. 

Do you like that it is starting to get dark earlier now?
Yes, I love it because when it starts to get dark early I know it's getting nearer Winter and Christmas and that gets me excited.

What is your favourite scent/candle?
I love the scent of vanilla. I find the smell very sweet and relaxing. Honestly I love it all year round. But candles just feel much more comforting and make me feel more relaxed when it's Autumn.

Favourite drink?
I am a massive hot chocolate fan, especially when it's cold weather. Hot chocolate seems like it tastes much better when your cold and you appreciate it more. Also hot chocolate is the only hot drink I like. I hate tea and I hate coffee, but occasionally I have a cup of warm milk.

Favourite outfit to wear?
I literally like live in Washington warm jumpers and hoodies. So my favourite peice of clothing to wear is a nice, cosy, warm jumper and leggings.

Favourite place to be?
In Autumn/Winter I absolutely love having duvet days. So my favourite place to be is in my bed under my duvet, haha I know it sounds lazy. But I just love being warm and cosy, in my pj's having a nice relaxing duvet day, maybe watch some movies too.

So that was just a few Autumn themed questions to get you in the Autumn spirit I guess. Please leave me any sort of questions you like in the comment box and I will answer them. Until next time. Enjoy yourself.
Emily xx

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Monday Updates #4

Oops am I a bit late, sorry about that. I know it's Tuesday evening and Monday Updates are, well obviously for Monday's. But I guess I just got a bit side tracked with all the stuff that has been happening recently. So I'm sorry about that.

So back to the actual update part of the post. My dad has finished redecorating my bedroom and I am actually in love with it. It turned out better than I thought to be honest. I would upload pictures but it won't work, sorry about that. The colour of my room is a beautiful shade of blue, very similar to tiffany blue. The rest of the room is mostly teal. I have also bought a dressing table with a storage stall and its got a mirror on top. Also I got a new set of draws, 4x4 set of draws. My dad also gave me his blue-Ray player, which I was highly surprised about. It took 2 weekends to complete my room. There are still last minute things I need to still move into my room such as my make up, hair products, sprays, clothes etc. So it has been really busy in my house recently.
Overall I am very happy with the final look, really sorry if it sounds like I am boasting about my new bedroom but honestly I am trying not too.

That is all I have to say unfortunately. I know it was only one thing to update you on but hopefully it will be enough keep you posted. Next week I might answer some Autumn questions for you all.