Monday 21 October 2013

Monday Insights #1

I have decided to end the Monday Updates series and and start a new series called Monday Insights. If you read sprinkleofglitter's blog you will know she foes a Monday Insights series but she finished it today, which is a shame. You may think I'm copying her by calling it the same thing but I'm doing something a little different. She said a topic to focus on and you guys would comment questions related to that topic for each post. I am going to choose myself a topic to focus on. This is because I know I don't really have any readers so I know no-one would comment which will be a bit of a struggle. 

I know the Monday Updates series was only 5 posts long but I thought it was a bit boring for you to just read what's going on in my life. In the new Monday series I may still do a very small brief update every couple of Monday's but I will mainly focus on different topics for each week. Unfortunately I am not doing a topic for today's post as this was just a little introduction for the new series. 

Each post I will say what the topic is on each week so next Monday's topic is...
Stationary Obsession
This topic may be a bit boring but just a quick brief on what I t will be like is... I love stationary especially notebooks and I always loving making lists! Don't worry there will be more interesting topics after.
Sorry for the short blog post.
Emily xxx
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