Monday 27 January 2014

Motivational Monday #4

Hello everyone.
It's the 27th of January and that means it is the last week in January. In my opinion January is the dullest month ever. It's the month after Christmas and it is so dull and boring. 
Anyway the point of these Monday posts.
Today quote...

This quote is nothing to with the first few sentences I just wrote but I just found this quote and thought, "This relates to me SO well"
I have 2 very different sides to me. I am as quiet as a mouse when I'm alone in lessons. However, when I'm with my friends and family I'm REALLY loud, crazy and weird. You will completely forget I'm really quiet when I want to be. I really agree with this quote! Like I just said I am SO quiet sometimes but no-one knows what goes on inside my head (that sounds a little weird) I think of things 24/7, I over think things, sometimes I don't think about things to much.
I would think if there was a little person inside of my brain, they would probably go deaf with how loud all my thoughts are. I am a quiet person with a loud mind full of weird, wonderful thoughts and memories.

This quote may relate to other people to but it definitely relates to me. Or you may agree with this quote.
So, let me know. Are you someone who is usually quiet but has a loud mind?
Is there lots going on up there?
Let me know!
Emily xx

Monday 20 January 2014

Motivational Monday #3

Yep, it's that time again. Motivational Monday number 3!

I have mentioned this before. So you may know that last Friday I had my French speaking exam again. However, yet again it went terrible. I only answered the first question and I couldn't answer the rest so my teacher didn't grade me. So, yep, that means I have to retake it yet again, this week. Also, afterwards he was talking to me saying it frustrates him because he knows I can do it, it's just I get to worked up over it and I panic too much etc. As he was talking to me I started crying. Yeah I know it was pointless and I'm such a wimp etc. But honestly I don't even know myself why I started crying, I didn't the first time I did the exam but I did the second time. Why is that? I don't even know? I think it might be because it's the second time I was doing the exam and it felt like more pressure on me and I just wanted to get it right this time.

Anyway, that is the reason I chose that quote. I was extremely upset on Friday because of the exam and this quote I can really relate to, especially at the moment  because of the French exams I keep having to do. Before each one, both times I was terrified,. The first time I had a panic attack before it and the second time I was ok but I cried in front of sir. 

Anyway, back to the quote. The problem is that with me, the build up/before any exam I panic so much. I think about it way too much. So, this quote is really good advice for me as it relates to me SO well. I just have to remember, like it says in the quote. Thinking/panicking about exams too much will only cause s problem! 
This is good advice to anyone who over thinks anything!
Emily xx

Monday 13 January 2014

Motivational Monday #2

Just I would quickly like to say that I apologize that I only posted once last last week. This is because honestly I didn't have any ideas for blog posts. So I'm sorry about that. I will try and post more this week to make up for it.

So, today is the second instalment of 'Motivational Monday'. For today I picked this quote. The reason for that is that. It's the second week into January and that is usually when most people start to give up on their new years resolutions, I know I usually do.
You may remember my new years resolutions post, if you do you will know my new years resolutions. I think one of them is going very well. That one is to drink more water, This is going very well as I have stuck to it so far. Everyday I drink around 3-6 full glasses of water, which I think is pretty good. However, my other two new years resolutions which were panic less and revise more/procrastinate less. 

There hasn't really been anything to panic about so far, so that I'm still waiting for. But, I will see this Friday because I have my French speaking exam redo and when I did it the first time I had a big panic attack so I will see what happens then.

Well, to be honest I haven't been revising more. So that has been a big fail so far. However, I have been revising quite a lot for my French exam. So, I guess that's something towards my revise more resolution.

So, the quote I have picked for today, ' When you feel like quitting: Think about why you started' I feel like it's suitable for the ' New Years Resolutions' theme. For example, it may be that you want to get healthier, do more exercise etc. You may feel like quitting but remember, all you have to remember is why you started. How good you will feel when you achieve it your goal. Think about why you started it!
Emily xx

Monday 6 January 2014

Motivational Monday #1

Do you all remember a mini series I did called 'Monday Updates' and what about the other Monday mini series called Monday Insights, if you enjoyed those you will enjoy this too. 

I'm starting up a new Monday series (hooray!) This one is called Motivational Monday. Even though I'm doing something very similar to sprinkleofglitter please don't say I'm copying her though :/ 

Yes, yes I know this is the same picture sprinkleofglitter used for her Monday post day but honestly every picture on my Monday posts will not be the same as hers after this one.

Anyway, personally I really like this. It's a nice, simple, catchy and just a straight forward phrase that a lot of people use probably on a daily basis. But everyone needs to try and enjoy today and all the other Monday's. Whatever your doing, whether if your at work, been back to school or college today, working from home or even those lucky people who are having a duvet day, everyone needs a little push in the right direction to face the Monday and the rest of the week.

When we get to a Monday the weekend seems ages away! It will soon arrive though, only if you keep facing those hard day's at work, school, college etc. The days will hopefully just fly by and it will be the weekend before you know it.

The motivational phrase for today 'enjoy today' is a nice, short, simple phrase. A nice, gentle start to (hopefully) a great new mini series. I do hope even though today's Monday is almost over, I hope this has motivated you to have a fresh new start to the week and year. Just enjoy the week!
Emily xx

Sunday 5 January 2014

Back to School!

It's Sunday evening so that means one thing, it's Monday tomorrow and that means for most teenagers it's back to school. Including me :( 

I guess going back to school has its positives and negatives.
 For example, I'm looking forward to seeing all my friends again as I haven't seen any of them over the Christmas break and I'm looking forward to catching up with them and hearing how all their Christmases and New Years went. Honestly, for me that's the only positive thing about going back. 

Right, the negatives now for me are... Well, first period I have PE tomorrow, probably the worst lesson to have first thing on a Monday after a break. Some people may love PE but for me it's not the best lesson, it really depends on what sport were doing but I guess having it first lesson will really give me a jump start and keep me awake, haha. 
Next, and again tomorrow on the first day back, I've got a geography mock exam and I am seriously not ready for it, I just hope that because I have double geography my teacher will let us revise for the first half, not really looking forward to the test.
 I also have to go back after school tomorrow for ICT catch up because I am very behind on class work, even though I stayed behind everyday for 1 and a half weeks before Christmas break.
 Last, negative thing, by the way, I'm really sorry, I just realised that the last thing you need is to hear about my negative things about going to school. You really just need to get motivated and prepare to face school tomorrow, so um sorry about that :/ Anyways, last negative, I promise... is that on either Wednesday or Thursday (I'm not sure yet), I have a French speaking exam, some of you may already know because I mentioned it in one of my previous posts, that I have already done this exam a few days before we broke up for Christmas, but unfortunately I got a grade E for it, which isn't so good. So sir is making me retake it (luckily, I'm not the only one, he is making everyone in the glass who got a D and lower) I had a big panic attack when I took the exam before we broke up and I started crying, hyperventilating and all the other symptoms of a panic attack (that was my 2nd ever panic attack I've had) it was so horrible and such a terrifying experience. It stressed me out massively, I hated it!! I can tell when I retake this week it will stress me out again and may cause another panic attack however, hopefully not as big.

Anyway, then. For me, the first week back at school will be incredibly stressful and worrying but at least I have my friends to get me through it.
I wish all you teenagers out there good luck at school. Look at the positives not the negatives. I know I didn't help at all with that. Sorry!
What are your positives about going back to school?
Emily xx

Saturday 4 January 2014

2013 Favourites

Yep, I'm here again with yet another blog post about 2013, I think this is the third one I've done, if you actually wanted to know that (probably not but oh well).

Anyway, the point of this post is my 2013 favourites, just to tell you a few things I've been loving throughout the year of 2013. I massively apoligize that I am not able to add any pictures of these products.

Collection Lasting Perfection Ultimate Wear Concealer - I bought this around August time mainly because all the beauty youtubers I watch raved about this product and how good it was. I first heard about it from one of my favourite youtubers, Zoella. She couldn't have praised it more. It's great coverage, lasts all day and its at a very cheap price and I can't agree with her more, this concealer is just amazing, I wear it everyday and I will be defiantly repurchasing it again and again. 

Soap and glory Sugar Crush Body Wash - This body wash is just gorgeous. I got this in a gift set of 8 other amazing full sized products (the gift set is called 'The Yule Monty') for Christmas so I haven't been using it that long. But because I got it before the new year, I knew I just had to include it in my favourites. The scent of the whole Sugar Crush range in soap and glory is just gorgeous, it smells of brown sugar and sweet lime. Which is such an amazing scent. However, not everyone will like the smell, to be honest no one in family likes the smell but I love it!

Soap and glory Sugar Crush Body Scrub - This is the first product I bought from soap and glory. I bought it around mid summer time and again I bought it because of Zoella she praised this a lot too so I thought I would give it a try. Again, this smells of brown sugar and sweet lime because it's in the sugar crush range. Smells great, leave your skin feeling very soft, easy to get hold of and not too pricey, because I loved this so much that's why I wanted to get the body wash to go with it too.

Soap and glory Heel Genius - Again, this is a soap and glory product. This came in the 'The Yule Monty' gift set I got for Christmas. It is a foot cream that comes in a pink tube, doesn't sound like much does it? I tried this for the first time in the evening on Christmas day. But, I must say it got rid of dead skin which left my feet insanely soft, just what you want from a foot cream, right? Well, there's nothing much more to say about it really, I love it a lot though.

Notebooks - Well, this favourite is just really notebooks in general, quite random, I know. As I am getting older I need to right more stuff down and I just love making lists too. This year I have just loved writing notes down. Also, notebooks are perfect to fit in you handbag. In 2014 I have chosen to write all events, accomplishments, and just generally good and bad things that happen throughout 2014 so I can have them down when it comes to posting about 'My 2014 flashback' at the end of the year.

Tangle Teezer - If you don't know what a tangle teezer is, it's basically a brush for your hair which as thin rubber bristles, the brush fits perfectly in your hand and I guess it kind of looks like a brush you would brush a horse with. You can buy these in boots, superdrug and any other drugstores. In 2013 I got one for my birthday, which was in May. I love these brushes because the brush has thin, rubber bristles which gets the knots and tangles out of your hair incredibly easier than just a paddle brush, when you use it to brush your hair it doesn't tug on it which means it won't damage or hurt your hair as some other brushes might. I'm not really sure if I explained it that well. But, I just love these brushes.

Supernatural - As you probably know from a previous post. I am obsessed with Supernatural! If you don't know what it is. I will try to briefly explain, supernatural is an amazing ( in my opinion) TV series about two (very good - looking) brothers named Sam and Dean Winchester who have been brought up to hunt supernatural beings such as, demons, shapeshifters, and much more by their dad since a terrible tragedy happened to their mother when Sam was just 6 months old. This program isn't just about demon hunting, it's about the relationship between two amazing brothers, loyalty, love and sacrifice. This program is just amazing, there are 8 seasons so far I'm only on season 6 but I was hooked from episode 1 on the first season. It's my favourite Tv show EVER. If this sounds like your cup of tea I highly, highly recommend this for you. Trust me.

So, they were just a few of my favourites of 2013. Honestly, I didn't write down all of my favourites because it would of taken absolutely ages. But these were just a couple of my main ones. As you have seen I have been really liking soap and glory products over 2013 and just a couple random things really.
What did you love over 2013?
Emily xx

Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Year, New Me

Hello 2014!!
Well, like I said in my previous post, 2013 went really fast and it had its ups and downs.
In 2013 I didn't really have any new years resolutions but this year I chose to try and set myself a few goals to try and accomplish them throughout 2014.

My New Years Resolutions
In 2014 I hope to...
Panic less - During 2013 I had two massive panic attacks which were terrifying and just generally I panic and worry about so many things. I want to try and not to do that to try and avoid having any more panic attacks.

Revise more & procrastinate less - As I'm getting closer to becoming a year 11 and having to face my GCSE' s I will have more exams which are tougher and I will need to do as much revising as possible. I'm doing mock exams at the moment and I always procrastinate the revising I put it off so much usually right until the night before the test. I really need to procrastinate less because if I don't revise it will only effect me in later life.

Drink more water - This is linked to trying to become more healthy. Whenever I want a drink I either get a drink of juice or milk, I know milk is quite healthy, I guess but water is healthier so that's it really. Get healthier and drink more water.

Ok, so there's my new years resolutions.
What are yours? Did you accomplish any of your 2013 news years resolutions?
Happy New Year and have a good one!!!!
Emily xx