Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Year, New Me

Hello 2014!!
Well, like I said in my previous post, 2013 went really fast and it had its ups and downs.
In 2013 I didn't really have any new years resolutions but this year I chose to try and set myself a few goals to try and accomplish them throughout 2014.

My New Years Resolutions
In 2014 I hope to...
Panic less - During 2013 I had two massive panic attacks which were terrifying and just generally I panic and worry about so many things. I want to try and not to do that to try and avoid having any more panic attacks.

Revise more & procrastinate less - As I'm getting closer to becoming a year 11 and having to face my GCSE' s I will have more exams which are tougher and I will need to do as much revising as possible. I'm doing mock exams at the moment and I always procrastinate the revising I put it off so much usually right until the night before the test. I really need to procrastinate less because if I don't revise it will only effect me in later life.

Drink more water - This is linked to trying to become more healthy. Whenever I want a drink I either get a drink of juice or milk, I know milk is quite healthy, I guess but water is healthier so that's it really. Get healthier and drink more water.

Ok, so there's my new years resolutions.
What are yours? Did you accomplish any of your 2013 news years resolutions?
Happy New Year and have a good one!!!!
Emily xx

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