Monday 13 January 2014

Motivational Monday #2

Just I would quickly like to say that I apologize that I only posted once last last week. This is because honestly I didn't have any ideas for blog posts. So I'm sorry about that. I will try and post more this week to make up for it.

So, today is the second instalment of 'Motivational Monday'. For today I picked this quote. The reason for that is that. It's the second week into January and that is usually when most people start to give up on their new years resolutions, I know I usually do.
You may remember my new years resolutions post, if you do you will know my new years resolutions. I think one of them is going very well. That one is to drink more water, This is going very well as I have stuck to it so far. Everyday I drink around 3-6 full glasses of water, which I think is pretty good. However, my other two new years resolutions which were panic less and revise more/procrastinate less. 

There hasn't really been anything to panic about so far, so that I'm still waiting for. But, I will see this Friday because I have my French speaking exam redo and when I did it the first time I had a big panic attack so I will see what happens then.

Well, to be honest I haven't been revising more. So that has been a big fail so far. However, I have been revising quite a lot for my French exam. So, I guess that's something towards my revise more resolution.

So, the quote I have picked for today, ' When you feel like quitting: Think about why you started' I feel like it's suitable for the ' New Years Resolutions' theme. For example, it may be that you want to get healthier, do more exercise etc. You may feel like quitting but remember, all you have to remember is why you started. How good you will feel when you achieve it your goal. Think about why you started it!
Emily xx

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