Monday 30 September 2013

Monday Updates #3

So here it is, another installment of 'Monday Updates' I am enjoying this series so far, so I hope you all are too. 

So recently as I mentioned last time. My dad has started redecorating my bedroom last weekend however he is not finished yet which means no Tv for a week. But I am very excited about what the final my bedroom will look like :D. So far he has painted my door, my window sill and my skirting board white. These were already white but over time it's got a bit dirty, so he decided to re-paint it. Also, he has done one layer of paint on my walls, all this was done within two days. He still has to do one more layer of paint on my walls, put back all my furniture and set up the new furniture. 

So I know that was a really small update but honestly nothing has happened recently. I would just like to say though that it is now 86 sleeps till Christmas, I know this thanks to an app on my phone. I am getting to excited for Christmas as it it my favourite holiday. I know it's Halloween first but I don't get excited or hyped at all about Halloween. So far I am loving Autumn by the way. Seeing all the beautiful golden, brown fallen leaves and hear them crunch underneath my feet as I walk. It just makes me happy. I know it may sound a little cheesy maybe but I just feel Autumn and Winter are such beautiful seasons, I hope you agree with me.

I know this was very short but I guess some people might like short posts

Monday 23 September 2013

Monday Updates #2

The second instalment of 'Monday Updates' is here. Time for you guys to know what's going on with me.
Firstly I have recently developed a rather nasty cold, blocked nose and very sore throat (feels like it was swollen), we all know colds are the worst and this is around the time when everyone starts getting a cold:( However I am slowly getting a little bit better which good. But I want it to go!
 Also this weekend my dad has decided to start redecorating my bedroom which I am extremely excited about, he said he would do it at the end of September but I thought he would stall for a while, I was very happy when he said he will do it this weekend.
  I decided I wanted to redecorate my room last month as I realised my room was room childish and girly for my age. I was very surprised when my mum and dad agreed to do it.
 I have chosen to go with the teal coloured theme as teal is my favourite colour. At first I thought I would just paint my walls and get a new duvet cover but we have decided I a new chest of draws as they are broken, I am also getting a dressing table which I haven't had before. The paint I have chosen is called Arctic Sunrise and it is a very nice, quite light shade of blue.
Lastly, earlier last week I have developed a bit of an addiction to listing. Yes, yes it is a thing. I found an A3 notebook with little cute and kind of, cartoon cats on it which I got in May and never used. I started thinking of what I could write in it and then I remembered that one of my favourite YouTube Emma Blackery mentioned in one of her videos that she had an addiction to listing. So I thought I could start filling up the notebook with different lists, so far I have done favourite quotes, favourite girls names, favourite boys names, favourite TV shows, favourite scents, favourite blogs and favourite YouTube names. So I have done quite a few so far. I am really liking
trying to think of different lists, its a way to be more organised too and I have also heard of these little notepads called listographies so I hope I can get my hands on them :)
This was quite a big update on me. I would like to give you a topic, ask me questions on the topic and I will answer them in my next 'Monday Updates' if I don't really get any questions I won't
the topic is....
Panic Attacks
Do you suffer with them and want to learn more about them or do you know someone who suffers with them and want to know how to help them, please ask me any questions on the topic xx

Monday 16 September 2013

Monday Updates #1

Monday Updates, from the title you can probably tell what Monday's are going to be about from now on. I am starting a new Monday series :). Every Monday I am going to give you an update on what's happening with me and I would like to do some Q&A every now and then. Also I will try and give you some motivation as usually Monday is the day where most people are stressed and tired, so maybe some motivation will do you good.
About one and a half weeks ago I went back to school, I was in year 10. Everything is starting to get more serious for me now. New GCSE classes, a few new teachers too, and exams. However it's just a small step closer till I get to leaving school. That is just a very brief update, nothing much has been happening over the past couple weeks. Sorry about that.
Most people hate Mondays, I know I do. You have just had the weekend and that is why Monday's are usually filled with tiredness, stress and laziness. Just don't let all these things drag you down. 'The week starts on Monday so suck it up and have a great day, it's also your chance to seize the week' this is a quote I found on the internet and I quite like it, not sure why but I just do. I don't actually know if you will find it Motivational at all but I think it's just quite a good, funny quote.
This was quite a short post since it's my first one of the series but hopefully the rest will be longer and more motivational and hopefully a bigger update.
How do you motivate yourself on a Monday?
Please leave me questions in the comment box and if I have enough I will do a Q&A
Emily xx

100 Days till Christmas!

Ok everyone. Some of you may already know this but (brace yourself) today it's 100 days till Christmas!!!!  Just typing that makes me feel excited I'm not sure if that sounds sad, but even if it does ,I don't care :) I don't know about you guys but Christmas is by far my favorite holiday, all the decorations, white snow, presents, family gatherings, songs etc. I just love the build up to Christmas. When it gets to November I start listening to Christmas songs nonstop,it makes me feel more festive.
Some of you might not get excited for Christmas until December but for me I start to get really excited around the end of September because that's when the weather gets colder and when the weather gets colder I know it's getting closer and closer to Christmas :D I love the feeling of being nice and warm with fluffy socks on, the heating on and nice and being snug under my duvet cover when its cold outside. I think it's one of the nicest feelings. But that's just what I'm like.
This was a very short post, so I'm sorry about that.
When do you start to get excited for Christmas?
Emily xx

Sunday 8 September 2013

Back to School

It that time of the year again when all the kids go back to school, whether your leaving the small, easy primary school going into a big, scary secondary school or if your leaving secondary school to attend a collage and starting the first stage of being an adult. It's always daunting no matter what stage your at. Being 14 I'm still in school and I went back on Thursday 5th September,

I am going to try and give you guys some advice about being back at school and hopefully it will benefit you in some way, I will probably tell you what I was like too.

 So if it is your first day of school, I realise it may be a bit nerve racking but don't worry it's normal to be nervous. I get it may be a bit scary if your going into a big new school I expect it's scary for everyone else too. But on my first day of secondary school my nerves took over, mainly because I didn't know anyone I only had my 3 best friends to talk to and none of them were in my class which got me really stressed and scared. When it got to my first class I got in the classroom and I didn't know anyone in there so I just sat quietly on my own. I was terrified. But just remember try not to be nervous, the reason why I was so nervous was because am a naturally incredibly shy person, I'm the sort of person who never raises her hand, because of my shyness and because I'm afraid that I will get it wrong. But as I have got older I have grown to be more confident I'm still quite shy when it comes to meeting new people, raising my hand in class and being picked on to answer a question but I have got slightly more confident luckily, I ask for help in class if I need it. However If I have to stand in front of the class and give a presentation I will completely freeze up, hyperventilate and cry most likely (quite like a panic attack), that has happened to me before in class, but not because I was giving a presentation. I will probably go into more detail with this story if I do a 'Claustrophobia, Panic attacks and anxiety' blog post like I said I might do in my '25 Facts About Me' blog post.

I was quite nervous this year because I was going into year 10 and that means new GCSE classes, a couple new teachers and it's all starting to get a lot more serious with exams and grades etc. But I think I will be ok.

I started off having quite a bad time at school but around 3-5 months into year 7 I made some new friends and I am so glad I met them because they are my best friends ever now however my other 3 best friends who I mentioned earlier I never talk to them anymore which is a shame. Now I am in year 10 and my friendship group quite large and they are all individually weird, unique and amazing in there own way. Despite my bad start to secondary school I am perfectly happy now. So just remember if you have a bad start, it will always get better.

Homework. So homework is something pretty much every teenager hates getting. A good tip for homework is that NEVER leave all the homework still the late minute (I learnt that the hard way). I always either forget to do it or put the homework off until the last minute. Leaving homework until the last minute only maximises stress so keep this tip in mind and don't do what I do.

Would you like me to do a 'Claustrophobia and panic attacks blog post?
Please let me know
Emily xx 

Friday 6 September 2013

Friday Nights :)

OK. It's Friday night and you know what that mean, it's the start of the weekend. The weekend is usually the time where you can take a break, chill out snuggle down and watch some Saturday night TV or maybe a movie of some kind. The weekend always my favourite time because I can have a chill out from school.

On a nice Friday night its good to have a little pamper evening especially if you have had a hard, busy week. You just need a calm evening to yourself. Have a nice, warm bubble bath maybe read a book, light some candles to feel like luxury. If you can't do this or don't have a enough time at least if you have even just 5 - 10 minutes to spare on a Friday night between your busy schedule will be enough to be calm and get all the stress out. A bubble bath is always the way to go!

If you don't have a busy schedule and have a lot of time on a nice Friday night,  have a nice bubble bath like I said and maybe read a book or light some candles whilst your in there. After that I will be feeling nice and fresh, to add to that if you have one I would use a face mask, as the are nice and refreshing and one you have had it on for how ever many minutes it says all you have to do is wash it off if it is a washing off one or peeling it of if it is one of those sort of masks. By using a face mask it leaves your skin insanely soft which is great. Face masks are good, I enjoy face masks :). There you go you will feel all nice and refreshed for bed time.
Anyway that was just a short post about how you could pamper yourself on a nice, quiet Friday night.
Emily xx

Thursday 5 September 2013

Hello September!

Oh September, you beautiful month, you have finally come round. August was great! I just hope that September will be even better.
This month is always a good month, as it is Autumn now and Autumn is always a beautiful season. Good things happen in September. Lovely golden leaves, crisp mornings, cosy nights, fallen leaves and beautiful scenery.
I would just like to say, I did not take this picture (I wish I did)
All the different colours of the leaves in the trees are just amazing. Hearing the crunch of the leaves underneath of my feet, I love the sound.

September is also the time of the year when the kids go back to school. Being one of those kids sometimes I like sometimes I dislike it. I like seeing all my friends again who I didn't see in the holidays, I like being able to think that going up another year in school is just another step closer to leaving school and being able to feel the sense of freedom. I am in year 10 now so just 2 more years until I can leave. Lastly I really like seeing all the small, cute, newbies/year 7's to the school however I dislike all the homework I will be getting, most of the mean teachers. But I guess the back to school feeling is quite good as you usually get brand new uniform, new shoes, new stationery etc.

Another reason why I love September is because it has just the right weather for me, not hot and not cold.

Autumn and Winter are always my favourite seasons. I just love the feeling where you can snuggle up nice and warm at night time and where lots of layers :)

So after that ramble, what do you like about September?

Emily xx

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Cinema Observations

So, a couple of days ago I did a blog post on X Factor observations. This time I decided to do a post about my cinema observations, as it is something I don't really like.

Back to me saying, well typing 'as it is something I don't really like' its not that I don't like going to the cinema and seeing films, that is the only good thing. It's all the other stuff, such as...

The food there is usually ridiculously over priced. It has got to the point where I bring my own snacks and drinks to the cinema, so I don't have to pay for the food there.

The most annoying thing about the cinema is that there is always a big, tall person sat in front of you so you can't see, this has happened to me multiple times, it annoys me so much. But I guess it isn't their fault because maybe they didn't know there will be someone behind them or possibly they thought it didn't annoy anyone, I don't really know but comment below if this annoys you time.

Teenagers, luckily not all the time but sometimes there is a small group of teenagers maybe 3,4 or maybe 5 of them sat right behind you or in front of you, well they could be sat anywhere in the cinema and they will still annoy you.Their either sat on their mobile phones the whole way through the movie and at the corner of your you can see the bright screen of the phone or they talk the whole way through the film. I know I'm a teenager but at least I respect people when watching a movie in the cinema. I have had this experience before, I was watching 'The Woman in Black' with my family and there was a group of about 10 15-17 year olds on the row behind us, they where shouting, and swearing the whole way through the film. Eventually my dad turned around and had a go at them, to be honest it was quite funny to see the look on their faces :D. They didn't talk the rest of the film after that.

That is all I can think of at the moment but if you think of anything else please comment!
Emily xx


Sunday 1 September 2013

X Factor Observations

Unless you have been living under a rock you should know what X Factor is. For some people it is one of the biggest TV shows of the year. The X Factor has produced some of the biggest music artist such as Olly Murs, Leona Lewis, Little Mix, One Direction (Yuck, Sorry girls, I don't like them) and much more.  If you do like the X Factor then you will know that the new series started yesterday (31/08/13) I would like to say that I am one of those people who love the show and because I have watched at least 3 or 4 seasons I would like to talk about my X Factor Observations.

OK lets start with the audition stage. Every single year there are always the people who just can't sing a single note. But to be honest, in my opinion that is the best part of the auditions, seeing all the terrible one. They are usually so bad that it's funny. That is why I love the auditions.

I also noticed that most people have really dramatic, sad stories. I know it may seem mean of me to say it but I just think they do it for show. I'm really sorry you take this the wrong way but this is just my opinion.

The next thing is the X Factor always have the voice over man who make everything sound so dramatic,. But to be honest his voice sounds so funny, I don't know if you agree but that is just what I think. Sometimes I wonder if he uses that voice at home, ha-ha.

After the auditions its boot camp usually a few people who came into auditions as solo artists get put into a band in boot camp. After boot camp its the judges houses and then the big one. The live shows! People usually come into the auditions all Terrified, quiet and nervous. But when/if they get to the live shows they turn up like they've just come out of a model shoot or something.

These were just some of my observations of X Factor, comment below if you have any other observations.

                                                                Emily xx