Sunday 8 September 2013

Back to School

It that time of the year again when all the kids go back to school, whether your leaving the small, easy primary school going into a big, scary secondary school or if your leaving secondary school to attend a collage and starting the first stage of being an adult. It's always daunting no matter what stage your at. Being 14 I'm still in school and I went back on Thursday 5th September,

I am going to try and give you guys some advice about being back at school and hopefully it will benefit you in some way, I will probably tell you what I was like too.

 So if it is your first day of school, I realise it may be a bit nerve racking but don't worry it's normal to be nervous. I get it may be a bit scary if your going into a big new school I expect it's scary for everyone else too. But on my first day of secondary school my nerves took over, mainly because I didn't know anyone I only had my 3 best friends to talk to and none of them were in my class which got me really stressed and scared. When it got to my first class I got in the classroom and I didn't know anyone in there so I just sat quietly on my own. I was terrified. But just remember try not to be nervous, the reason why I was so nervous was because am a naturally incredibly shy person, I'm the sort of person who never raises her hand, because of my shyness and because I'm afraid that I will get it wrong. But as I have got older I have grown to be more confident I'm still quite shy when it comes to meeting new people, raising my hand in class and being picked on to answer a question but I have got slightly more confident luckily, I ask for help in class if I need it. However If I have to stand in front of the class and give a presentation I will completely freeze up, hyperventilate and cry most likely (quite like a panic attack), that has happened to me before in class, but not because I was giving a presentation. I will probably go into more detail with this story if I do a 'Claustrophobia, Panic attacks and anxiety' blog post like I said I might do in my '25 Facts About Me' blog post.

I was quite nervous this year because I was going into year 10 and that means new GCSE classes, a couple new teachers and it's all starting to get a lot more serious with exams and grades etc. But I think I will be ok.

I started off having quite a bad time at school but around 3-5 months into year 7 I made some new friends and I am so glad I met them because they are my best friends ever now however my other 3 best friends who I mentioned earlier I never talk to them anymore which is a shame. Now I am in year 10 and my friendship group quite large and they are all individually weird, unique and amazing in there own way. Despite my bad start to secondary school I am perfectly happy now. So just remember if you have a bad start, it will always get better.

Homework. So homework is something pretty much every teenager hates getting. A good tip for homework is that NEVER leave all the homework still the late minute (I learnt that the hard way). I always either forget to do it or put the homework off until the last minute. Leaving homework until the last minute only maximises stress so keep this tip in mind and don't do what I do.

Would you like me to do a 'Claustrophobia and panic attacks blog post?
Please let me know
Emily xx 

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