Thursday 5 September 2013

Hello September!

Oh September, you beautiful month, you have finally come round. August was great! I just hope that September will be even better.
This month is always a good month, as it is Autumn now and Autumn is always a beautiful season. Good things happen in September. Lovely golden leaves, crisp mornings, cosy nights, fallen leaves and beautiful scenery.
I would just like to say, I did not take this picture (I wish I did)
All the different colours of the leaves in the trees are just amazing. Hearing the crunch of the leaves underneath of my feet, I love the sound.

September is also the time of the year when the kids go back to school. Being one of those kids sometimes I like sometimes I dislike it. I like seeing all my friends again who I didn't see in the holidays, I like being able to think that going up another year in school is just another step closer to leaving school and being able to feel the sense of freedom. I am in year 10 now so just 2 more years until I can leave. Lastly I really like seeing all the small, cute, newbies/year 7's to the school however I dislike all the homework I will be getting, most of the mean teachers. But I guess the back to school feeling is quite good as you usually get brand new uniform, new shoes, new stationery etc.

Another reason why I love September is because it has just the right weather for me, not hot and not cold.

Autumn and Winter are always my favourite seasons. I just love the feeling where you can snuggle up nice and warm at night time and where lots of layers :)

So after that ramble, what do you like about September?

Emily xx

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