Friday 6 September 2013

Friday Nights :)

OK. It's Friday night and you know what that mean, it's the start of the weekend. The weekend is usually the time where you can take a break, chill out snuggle down and watch some Saturday night TV or maybe a movie of some kind. The weekend always my favourite time because I can have a chill out from school.

On a nice Friday night its good to have a little pamper evening especially if you have had a hard, busy week. You just need a calm evening to yourself. Have a nice, warm bubble bath maybe read a book, light some candles to feel like luxury. If you can't do this or don't have a enough time at least if you have even just 5 - 10 minutes to spare on a Friday night between your busy schedule will be enough to be calm and get all the stress out. A bubble bath is always the way to go!

If you don't have a busy schedule and have a lot of time on a nice Friday night,  have a nice bubble bath like I said and maybe read a book or light some candles whilst your in there. After that I will be feeling nice and fresh, to add to that if you have one I would use a face mask, as the are nice and refreshing and one you have had it on for how ever many minutes it says all you have to do is wash it off if it is a washing off one or peeling it of if it is one of those sort of masks. By using a face mask it leaves your skin insanely soft which is great. Face masks are good, I enjoy face masks :). There you go you will feel all nice and refreshed for bed time.
Anyway that was just a short post about how you could pamper yourself on a nice, quiet Friday night.
Emily xx

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