Monday 16 September 2013

Monday Updates #1

Monday Updates, from the title you can probably tell what Monday's are going to be about from now on. I am starting a new Monday series :). Every Monday I am going to give you an update on what's happening with me and I would like to do some Q&A every now and then. Also I will try and give you some motivation as usually Monday is the day where most people are stressed and tired, so maybe some motivation will do you good.
About one and a half weeks ago I went back to school, I was in year 10. Everything is starting to get more serious for me now. New GCSE classes, a few new teachers too, and exams. However it's just a small step closer till I get to leaving school. That is just a very brief update, nothing much has been happening over the past couple weeks. Sorry about that.
Most people hate Mondays, I know I do. You have just had the weekend and that is why Monday's are usually filled with tiredness, stress and laziness. Just don't let all these things drag you down. 'The week starts on Monday so suck it up and have a great day, it's also your chance to seize the week' this is a quote I found on the internet and I quite like it, not sure why but I just do. I don't actually know if you will find it Motivational at all but I think it's just quite a good, funny quote.
This was quite a short post since it's my first one of the series but hopefully the rest will be longer and more motivational and hopefully a bigger update.
How do you motivate yourself on a Monday?
Please leave me questions in the comment box and if I have enough I will do a Q&A
Emily xx

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