Thursday 21 November 2013

Boundaries and Saying NO!

Just a quick first thing I have to say. I know I said I will publish this post yesterday but I decided I will post Tuesday's and Thursday's each week instead of Tuesday's and Wednesday's .

Everyone has our own boundaries that we don't want people to cross. Usually this occurs in relationships a lot. In some relationships one person could be rushing things too much and the other may want to take it slow, a partner hugging you, kissing you, holding your hand and doing other sexual actions when you don't want them too, this is known as 'crossing the boundaries'. If your thinking "I don't want to do this, I'm not ready" or "I'm not sure", you have full rights to confront them and say "NO". If they say "Come on, there's nothing to worry about, it's fine" then you know a boundary has been crossed, then you are well within rights to say "NO, you are crossing my personal boundaries, I don't concent this and I don't want this".

 I know that some people may find it difficult to say no because you may just think it's too rude or your someone who doesn't like taking control and confronting someone but a lot of the time it's because you don't really realise it's happening until afterwards. But don't worry just be rude to them! If you say NO and just be rude and just confront them, if they have common sense they will realise that their wrong and your right. Hopefully they will back down and stop rushing things and let you do things you want and that your comfortable with. They should realise that they have crossed your person boundaries and that it's making you feel uncomfortable.

When your in this position where some is or has crossed/crossing your boundaries it's not a very nice position to be in. They try to force you into things that you don't want to do. This is called manipulation, well there are more names for it such as persuasion and encouragement etc. Afterwards you instantly think "wait that wasn't right and what that person did wasn't right". I think this is a really common thing, you can put all your trust in someone then they force and manipulate you into something that you feel uncomfortable with, then you instantly think "Can I ever put my trust in that person ever again" you know that your trust has been abused here and that is definitely something that you should address.

Now that we have addressed this, what do you think girls or boys should do if they find themselves in this situation where their limit have been pushed and they have been put in a difficult position they don't want to be in. Then the time has gone on and its like the next day or whatever, think...What should I do?

You can always address the situation but I think the person who put you in that situation may not be willing to talk.

I really hope this post has been very beneficial for you
Please leave the situations you have been in regarding this topic and I promise I will read them.

Emily xx

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