Tuesday 19 November 2013

Just Say Yes!

"Just Say Yes, just say there's nothing holding you back"

How often do you turn things down or shy away from doing things that are just a little bit out of your comfort zone. How often do you say NO? For me I say No a whole lot more than I say yes.

Being a naturally very shy and anxious person, for me, saying no I often think is the only option. My mind would usually take control and makes me think that I will be safe doing the things that are within my comfort zone, things that don't scare me. I don't want to live my life like that, no one does. Do I want to live my life turning things down, and miss out on so many opportunities?, no, no I don't. I want to be able to say yes to more things and that is exactly what I will try to do.

Personally, sometimes I panic over things like homework or being picked on to answer a question in class but my main fear is having to talk in front of a group of people, this is because I have massive stage fright!. Some people may think "hey, that's no biggy" but honestly I really envy those people who have full confidence and can do these sort of things no problem. Last year we had to do a speech in pairs for English class and we had to perform the speech in front on the whole of our year (year 9). I had a massive panic attack, I was terrified. I bravely said that I didn't want to take part in it and I backed down, I was so glad my teacher understood (this relates to tomorrows blog post topic 'Boundaries and saying no'), I will probably go into more detail in another post.

There are very rarely times in my life, where there are not anxious thoughts that are floating around in my head. If you suffer with anxiety, panic attacks, depression etc. You get stuck in this NO mood, you don't want to do anything, you don't want to talk to anyone, you don't want to meet up with friends or family or even you may not want to leave your house. Whenever these things kick in just bat it away and say "NO, THIS IS MY LIFE, I'M NOT LETTING YOU TAKE OVER" this would be one of the best things to do. Soon as you let just a tiny bit of panic in, it will try to take over and stop you from doing things you actually want to do.

It has taken a whole lot of courage for me but because it is nearing 2014, for the new year I am going to make a new years resolution of trying to say YES to more things. Once you start saying yes, it will open a whole new world of new opportunities and you should gradually become a more confident person. If your nervous or scared at first like me, try to take it in baby steps first. Start to try and say yes to one thing each week and when you get more confident start saying yes to more things. Just push yourself! You never know what will come out of saying YES to things but you do know what will come out of saying NO to things you will feel like you can't do anything, you will start feeling even more crap about yourself, feeling like your not normal. At least if you push yourself you will experience new things but even if you fail sometimes at least your trying. Whatever is holding you back will determine how easy for you.

Just remember to push yourself, Just take baby steps at first, Just Say there's nothing holding you back, Just Say Yes!

This post was inspired by a blogger and youtuber called Zoella (aka Zoe Sugg). Zoe is a huge inspiration for me. She has done a blog post and a YouTube video called Just Say Yes and it was wonderfully written and a great message to put across. This inspired me to do a Just Say Yes post but in my opinion.

I really hope this was beneficial for you guys and could really relate to this post.
Please go check out Zoella on YouTube and check out her blog too, she is amazing.

Please say if and how this helped you in the comments.

Emily xx

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