Tuesday 26 November 2013

Paranoia (being paranoid)

I am a very paranoid person. It has become a big issue recently because two of my friends keep going off and having 'secret' conversations. When my friends do that it massively pee's me off. Also, this paranoia causes me to panic and it really stresses me out. Whenever I go over to them during one of these 'secret' conversations they always shout at me saying "go away" or "fuck off" and this really offends whether their joking or not or being sarcastic or not. I take offence really easily which is sometimes a problem as I can get upset over something that somebody said which was meant to be a joke.

What is paranoia (being paranoid)
Paranoia is a symptom in which an individual feels as if the world is 'out to get' him or her. When people are paranoid, they feel as if others are always talking behind their backs. Paranoia causes intense feelings of distrust, and can sometimes lead to overt or covert hostility. An individual suffering from paranoia, feels suspicious, and has a sense that other people may want to harm him or her. As a result, the paranoid individual changes his or her actions in response to a world that is perceived as personally threatening. Objective observers may be quite clear on the fact that no one's words or actions are actually threatening the paranoid individual.

Note: Researchers do not fully understand what chemical or physical changes in the brain cause paranoia.


It can be quite challenging to get an individual who is suffering from paranoia to accept treatment. Their paranoid condition makes them distrustful of people's motivation towards them, So that even the medical doctor appears to be a suspicious party. Medications that may be offered are usually looked at with great distrust, and efforts at psychotherapy are considered 'mind control' by a profoundly paranoid individual.
The first step to be taken when someone is suffering from paranoia is that of determining whether an easily reversible situation (such as an adverse reaction to a medication) might be causing the paranoia. If so, discontinuing the drug (either immediately or by gradually weaning the dose might end the symptoms of paranoia.

Tip on how to stop paranoia
This tip is my favourite and most helpful for me because it relates to me a lot. Hopefully this will help you too.

 Learn to reign your negative thoughts.
One of the reasons you're paranoid is probably that you tend to assume the worst in any situation, and focus on the worst thing that can happen instead of being realistic about the possible outcome (this is definitely what I do). You may think that everyone hates you or is talking about you, however it's very likely that none of this is true. 

The next time you have a very negative thought, stop and do the following:

-> Ask yourself how likely is it that the negative thought your having is actually likely to come true.

-> When your expecting the worst, consider all the possible outcomes of a situation, not just the negative ones. Then you'll see that there are many other possibilities other than the worst one.

-> Try to combat each negative thought with two positive thoughts. For example, if your worried that you think everyone thinks your new shoes look terrible, just think how good your hair and outfit look.

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