Monday 11 November 2013

Monday Insights #4

Yes, for once I am posting in the day on a Monday. I usually post on a Monday evening because I am at school in the day. But, today we were at school for only an hour and a half. This is because we had no power in the whole school and according to the head teacher it wasn't save to keep the students in the school. Which means we got to go home!!!!! That made my day haha. 
That was just a brief, little update for you.

I am doing the 13 personal questions tag today. Yep, yet another tag. Sorry about that. To be honest, I didn't know what to do on today's post but I found another tag. So I hope you enjoy it and not find too boring.

13 Personal Questions Tag.
1) What do you order at Starbucks?
  I have never been to Starbucks so I am changing it to 'What do you order at Costa?' At Costa I always order a Sticky Toffee Creamy Cooler, mmmm.

2) What is one thing in your closet you cannot live without?
I absolutely love leggings. I never wear jeans, always leggings. So, my leggings is my answer.

3) What is one thing that probably most people wouldn't know about you?
I think most people won't know that I am a very anxious person, I panic so much about the simplest things.

4) Name one thing you want to do before you die?
Most people have already been here probably but I desperately want to visit New York. I have heard it's really nice.

5) What is one food you cannot live without?
I know it sounds really fatty of me but crisps. I always eat crisps yet somehow I'm not fat. I don't know how that is possible considering how much I eat haha.

6) What quote/phrase do you live your life by?
'Everything happens for a reason' I really think this is true.

7) What do you like and dislike about the Youtube community?
I like how YouTube gives people a chance to be free and be heard for once. However I dislike all the haters. People on your youtube give so much hate to certain youtubers when they haven't done anything wrong. This people are inconsiderate arseholes. These type people annoy me so much.

8) What is your number one most listened to song on iTunes?
I don't go on iTunes that often but on my phone I always listen to David Guetta Titanium, love that song!

9) What kind of style do you define yourself as having?
Honestly I have no idea, I am mixed really. I have days where I wear blouses with cute collars but I mostly wear hoodies, leggings and converse.

10) Favourite number?
For some reason my favourite number is 22. I don't know why.

11) Two hobbies?
I'm not sure if this is a hobbie but I always make lists, just about random things really. My other hobbie is drawing, even though I'm not the best, I still like to draw in my spare time.

12) Two pet peeves?
My first one is people who talk loudly in public, either when their on the phone or generally.

13) Guilty pleasure?
My guilty pleasure I'd crisps

Well, that was the 13 personal questions tag, hopes you enjoyed reading my responses to the questions. Why don't you do the tag yourselves?

Emily xx

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