Sunday 10 November 2013

TMI tag

Yep, for once I am doing a blog post on a Sunday. I don't really know why this is, I just felt like doing a post on a Sunday for a change. Anyway back to the actual blog post. From the title you can probably guess what I'm going to do. I am doing the TMI tag. I have seen this tag floating around the world of YouTube and I just thought I would give it a go.

TMI Tag!

1) What are you wearing?
At the moment I am wearing a burgundy hoodie, a grey New York t-shirt with dark blue and red writing with leggings.

2) Ever been in love?
To be honest I have never had a proper boyfriend :/ so I guess not

3) Ever had a terrible breakup?
As I said before, I have never had a boyfriend so I have never had a breakup

4) How tall are you?
I am 5ft 2

5) How much do you weigh?
I weigh 6: 12

6) Any tattoos?

7) Any piercings?
None, not even my ears

8) OTP?
Zalfie (pointlessblog (Alfie) and Zoella (Zoe)), but their dating now :)

9) Favourite show?
Celebrity Juice and I'm a celebrity get me out of here

10) Favourite bands?
I have 3, Linkin Park, The Script and The vamps

11) Something you miss?
My friend Sian, she still hangs out with me and my other friends at school but she doesn't talk to me anymore and I have no idea why. Also, she has changed massively and I miss the old her.

12) Favourite song?
My favourite song at the moment, I hate One Direction but I absolutely love their new song called Story of my life. But, my favourite song ever is The Script, Man Who Can't be Moved

13) How old are who?
I am 14 years old

14) Zodiac sign?
I am Taurus

15) Quality you look for in a partner?
Mainly sense of humour

16) Favourite quote?
'Everything happens for a reason' I think this is true.

17) Favourite actor?
I have 2 favourites, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost

18) Favourite colour?

19) Loud music or soft?
Depends what mood I'm in. Usually soft I think.

20) Where do you go when your sad?
The internet

21) How long does it take you to shower?
Usually about 20 minutes

22) How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
About an hour

23) Ever been in a physical fight?

24) Turn on?
When a boy smells good. I automatically become more attractive to them.

25) Turn off?
Body odour, Someone who is rude and annoying too

26) The reason I joined YouTube?
I made a YouTube channel just so I could subscribe to my favourite youtubers.

27) Fears?
Small enclosed spaces, creepy dolls, spiders

28) Last thing that made you cry?
I have no idea why but a dream made me cry, I woke up crying.

29) Last time you said you loved someone?
To be honest I have no idea. I probably said it to my cat yesterday or something haha. Does my cat count.

30) Meaning behind your youtube name?
Well, the name is Emzcat1999, so it's the same name as my blogspot name. Doesn't really have a meaning. My nickname is Em or Emz, I like cats and I was born in 1999. So, there.

31) Last book you read?
A book called Anna Dressed In Blood, by Kendare Blake

32) The book your currently reading?
Not reading any book at the moment

33) Last show you watched?
I'm a celebrity get me out of here golden moments

34) Last person you talked to?
My mum

35) The relationship between you and the last person you texted?
The last person I text was a girl called Anais, she's my best friend

36) Favourite food?
I know it's a bit plain but pasta

37) Place you want to visit?
I would love to visit New York!

38) Last place you were?
My bed (I'm there now)

39) Do you have a crush?
Umm ok yeah I do

40) Last time you kissed someone?
I'm not sure

41) Last time you were insulted?
I'm not sure. I get offended very easily. For example I always take things way to seriously like jokes and sarcasm

42) Favourite flavour of sweet?

43) What instruments do you play?
I don't play any instruments. But I would like to know how to play the piano

44) Favourite piece of jewellery?
I honestly don't wear any jewellery at all

45) Last sport you played?
Badminton, I played it in PE on Friday

46) Last song you sang? 
One Direction Story of my life

47) What is your favourite chat up line?
Honestly I think chat up lines are a bit cheesy so I don't gave a favourite, haha sorry

48) Have you ever used it?
Like I said, I don't use them, So, no

49) Last time you hung out with someone?
Well, I see all my friends everyday at school, so if that counts my answer is Friday

50) Who should answer these questions next?
I am going to say everyone who read every single question and answer on this blog post

Wow, now that took a while. Now you know way too much information about me. Please leave a comment if you actually read all that and feel free to do the tag yourselves.
I actually really like doing these tags as you can probably tell because I've done a few already on the 'Monday Insights' series. I might to a tag on tomorrows Monday Insights but I'm not sure yet. If I find a good one, I will.

Do you like me doing these tags?
Emily xx

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