Monday 18 November 2013

Monday Insights #5 Ending

So, here it is again Monday Insights number 5. I'm thinking this may be the last of the series. Sorry about that. I may do another Monday series, I may not, I honestly don't know yet. But I can tell you one thing. I will be posting more often on my blog, hippee!
Well I will try to. I am aiming to be posting around 2-3 times a week instead of once a week. I am thinking the days will be Tuesday's, possibly Wednesday's and I'm not sure about the other day. But I will definitely be posting tomorrow and every Tuesday. My other posts will be a little different. Let's just say it's the type of posts that will be beneficial in some way (hopefully).

Anyway, I don't know if you will like today's topic or not but I'm sure you will all relate to it. My Obsessions. Yes, I know you all have at least one thing your obsessed with, or even more than one. Don't deny it. We all have something. Well, that's me, I definitely have more than one obsession. 

Recently, I have become massively obsessed with a TV show called Supernatural. You might have heard of it but for those who haven't I will try to briefly explain it whilst not giving too much away. Two brothers named Sam and Dean Winchester need to 'carry on where their dad left off, saving people hunting things, the family business'  they hunt ghosts, shape shifters, demons and many, many more terrifying creatures in order to fight, destry and kill the yellow eyed demon. During their time hunting they have to make some very life changing decisions, and many tragedies happen. I had heard a lot about supernatural from one of my friends and had always wanted to watch an episode or two. My dad had series 2 and 3 on DVD (shame not series one though) so I was planning to start watching them at sometime. A couple weeks ago I eventually watched season 2 episode 1 and I was hooked from the very beginning. It may sound sad but I haven't stopped watching if since. Everyday after school I watched episode after episode (obviously I had breaks for dinner, homework etc.) up until last night. I had finished both series. But I am still rewatching some of the episodes. I have asked for all the other series for Christmas so I can be all caught up. By the way there are 8 series. Even though Supernatural is supposed to be a horror series, it does contain some humour too but I have cried quite a lot, about 7 times so far. My dad said to me he has never heard of someone to cry at Supernatural. I highly recommended Supernatural!!

Anyway sorry about that big, old ramble about Supernatural, I told you I was obsessed with it.

My next obsession and I promise it won't be as long as the previous one. Is making lists. For some reason I love making lists about random things. For example a few of the lists I currently have are, my favourite quotes, my favourite blogs, my favourite boys names, my favourite youtubers, my favourite girls names and I have more. I don't know if anyone else likes doing this but I do. 

Leave your obsessions below in the comments.
What are your obsessions?

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