Sunday 22 December 2013


So, I guess this post is just a little chit chat, update type of post.
It's 3 sleeps till Christmas!!!! Who's excited? I know I definitely am! Woop Woop, can't wait. Well, now I've got my excitement out the way, time for the update part of the post.

Friday, I broke up from school for the Christmas holidays! Every year at school on our last day before we brake up for Christmas, everyone has a tutor party, to be honest my tutor party was more like a 6 year olds birthday party haha. If you don't know what tutors groups are at school basically there are 4 or 5 people from each year which is our tutor group and we have one teacher as our tutor, and we have a specific room where our tutor room is. We go to our tutor rooms for 25 minutes everyday except Friday (we miss out PD on Fridays because we finish earlier) and this is called personal development ( PD for short). So anyway on Friday we went to our tutor rooms for an hour and a half for a tutor party (usually on a normal Friday we finish school at 2:05pm but we finished at 1:00pm for out last day before Christmas) then we went home afterwards also at school we have 6 coloured houses that were all in and 3 houses had a Christmas assembly on Tuesday and the other 3 had theirs on Friday. So that was quite a good day.

However, on a down side. The next day (Saturday) I woke up to the sound of my mum crying her eyes out. Throughout the whole of that Saturday morning my parents were arguing. My dad got dressed and stormed outside in a rage and took the car somewhere (I think he went to his work office) then about an hour and a half later he came back. My mum and dad wouldn't talk to each other. Since my dad came back they didn't talk to each other for about 4 hours then when I had my dinner they started arguing and shouting again so I took my dinner plate and ran upstairs crying. I opened my brother Luke's room and said "I'm not eating down there, their arguing again". I am so lucky to have a brother like Luke because he went downstairs and tried to stop them, this has happened before and then Luke went to the rescue too. Anyway luckily their fine now and not arguing. But honestly it was horrible I hated it. 

Anyway that was a couple 'events' that have happened over this weekend.
I can't wait until Christmas though, as you can tell. Tuesday is Christmas eve and every Christmas eve we have a tradition in the day we go for a long walk through the woods and at the end of the woods is a pub and we always get a drink there. So I'm looking forward to that! 
Do you have any Christmas traditions?
Emily xx

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