Monday 16 December 2013

Christmas Questions #4

I'm sorry I didn't do any Christmas questions on Friday. I ran out of time on Thursday to do my main post so I posted it on Friday. I was a little behind schedule.

Anyway, 9 days till Christmas!!

1) Talk us through your typical Christmas day
Well, me and my brother wake up at about 8:30 and go into my mum and dad's room if they say it's too early we count how many presents we have in our room, we shake them etc. Trying to guess what they are ( May sound a bit weird but oh well). When my mum and dad wake up they come in whoever is opening their presents firsts room. We open them then go down stairs to open the presents under the tree from our Nan and the presents in the stockings. We have breakfast and get dressed then chill out for about 2 hours. We alternate between 3 houses with relatives each Christmas and this year it's our house so we don't really have to go anywhere this year. That's pretty much it.

2) What is your favourite thing about Christmas?
I have a few favourite things I love about Christmas. The laughs with the relatives, the decorations, and obviously the presents.

3) Are you a pro present wrapper or do you fail miserably?
Personally, I think I'm in the middle. I'm not amazing but I'm not completely terrible. But even though I'm not a pro I still go all out with ribbon etc when it comes to wrapping. I really love wrapping.

4) Best present you have ever received at Christmas?
The best present I gave ever received is probably my 36 inch TV, well I think I got it for Christmas

5) Worst present you have ever received?
Well, if you have watched doctor who you will know what this is. A few Christmases ago I received a weeping Angel toy statue thing. I hated weeping angels and my mum and dad got it for me as a joke.

I honestly can't think of any more Christmas questions so I guess this was the last one from this mini series. 

On Wednesday I will come back with something else to talk about. Not sure what it is yet.
Hope you liked this mini series.
Emily xx

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