Wednesday 18 December 2013

Expected Life Events

I am so sorry I'm a little behind schedule again so I'm posting the big topic post today instead of last night. Ps. I'm going to miss out Wednesday's now as I keep falling behind schedule and I think I post too many times a week. So from now on there will be no posts on Wednesdays.

Last times big topic was unexpected life events so I thought it would only make sense if I did expected life events today.

Expected life events are much less stressful than unexpected life events because you know it's going to happen and/or wanted to happen, also, the change its usually predictable, so you will most likely prepare yourself and plan for it. For example starting school is an example of an expected life event, because you know you will have to start school at some point and your parents should have told you all about it and reassured you about starting school. Expected life events leave impacts on your life as well as unexpected life events. For example marriage could be an example of an expected life event.
Marriage is a big impact on your life because it brings much bigger responsibilities and more commitment into your life. Usually when your married it is most likely you will have a baby too, having a baby could be an example of both unexpected and expected. But this also brings great responsibilities into your life. You will have less spare time, it's tiring, it's stressful and it can be very annoying. This leaves big impacts on your life because it is most likely permanent and it can effect/test you emotionally, socially, physically and intellectually

That's all I have to say about expected life events. I'm am really sorry that these big topic posts aren't that long. They are supposed to be beneficial and informative but I usually run out of things to say or if I carry on I will probably keep saying something I already said. I will try to make theme longer though.
Emily xx

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