Tuesday 24 December 2013

The Truth About December!

It's Christmas Eve!!!!! I literally can't believe Christmas has come round so quick!

Anyway the point of this post. Yesterday I watched danisnotonfire's newest youtube video named 'The Truth About December', I loved it and it inspired me to make a blog post about it. So, here we go.

December is such a stressful month! This is because of the main event near the end of the month. Christmas. In a lot of ways Christmas/December is great, spend time with family, eat lots, presents etc. However, it can be mad dash of panic and stress trying to get everything ready for Christmas.

Some people love everything about Christmas (which is me) and protect its honour like someone's trying to eat their baby. However, some people hate everything about it. If you don't celebrate Christmas you won't relate. But December is literally a ticking time bomb until your complete, mental breakdown. I agree that December is really stressful but all I mainly think about is Christmas, even though I'm 14 I still get way too overly excited for Christmas.

Back to the stressful part of December. If you still go to school you will know that on your last week before you break up for Christmas, all you do is just watch films, play Christmas quizzes and pretty much do nothing, this isn't at all stressful (obviously) but if your in year 11 (which I'm not) I know that, that week all you have is mock exams which are seriously stressful. I'm in year 10 and on the second to last week before we broke up I had a French speaking mock which I was bloody terrified for, I burst out crying and had a panic attack before it which was horrible. I got a grade E for it which isn't so good, so my teacher said to me and a few others that we have to retake it in January, so basically I will have to relive it again :(. Anyway the year 11's had to suffer through like 20 mock exams which isn't the best way to spend your last week of school before Christmas.

Also, all the Christmas shopping. Everyone goes into town determined to do their Christmas shopping and trying to survive the Christmas shopping war zone. Never leave it till the last minute! You may not be able to get the gifts you want and it just brings on more stress. If you buy the presents around 2 weeks before Christmas, you don't need to stress out worrying if you've bought everything, it won't be a big war zone with all the Christmas shoppers etc.

Basically, December is just a big lump of panic, worry, stress and a bit of excitement really.
Once Christmas is over you can just relax.
Have a great Christmas!
Emily xx

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