Friday 13 December 2013

Unexpected Life Events

Firstly, I would like to apologise that I didn't publish this blog post last night, I ran out of time.

So, recently I have been learning about unexpected life events in my health and social care lessons at school and it has made me remember how hard it is and what it's like.

Unexpected Life events are always very hard to handle. They are not planned and when they happen it hits you like a ton of bricks. A lot of unexpected life events can be very upsetting and maybe surprising for you. Events like these may be things such as serious illnesses, a death of a loved one and more. These things effect your families and friends massively, it will probably leave a big hole in your heart and you might feel like part of you is missing. It will be very hard to take in but trust me once it sinks in, you will try not to think about it and move on. Moving on from such a serious event that has happened in your life will be very hard for some people. It may take a long time for you to move on, depending on what the event is and if it on involves someone else, your relationship with them.

Everyone has been through an unexpected life event that has effected them at least once in their life ( I know I have) so everyone will know what it's like and how you feel. Remember, if these types of events cause you to be depressed and upset, remember you are not alone!! Lots of people have been through this. Please, if you are finding it incredibly hard to cope with talk to a close family member or friend and keep you mind off of it. If you sit at home crying and being deppressed etc. It won't do you any good. When you talk to someone who is close to you about it you will feel much better that you have got your feelings out. However, some people may not want to talk about it, that's fine, I was like that when a close family friend of ours died last month. But once I talked to my friends about why I was upset at school and once I had done that I forgot about it as they cheered me up. I'm not trying to push you to talk about it if your not ready to yet, I am just suggesting it as it is a good idea but it might only work for some people.

Your not alone. Talk to someone if your ready to. Everyone goes through it at some point in their life.

Emily xx

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