Thursday 19 December 2013


Ok, I'm so sorry I keep changing it but I'm just going to still stick with 4 posts per week but I'm not going to set certain days, or if I'm going talk about a big topic or just like a chatty one. I'm only going to talk about whatever really, that can relate to you.

Today's topic is fears. Everyone has at least one phobia (something their scared of), unless your someone who is completely fearless, it is highly unlikely that someone will have no fear though. Everyone has a fear but it might be that you haven't found it yet. There's nothing wrong with having fears/phobias!.
What made me want to talk about fears and phobias is that the other day in maths my teacher was looking at this thing called The Phobia List. This list is basically all the possible phobias you can have and there names. He was calling some out in class and some of the phobias just sound bizarre. Some of them. You may want to stay away with anyone with this, Ablutophobia, a fear of washing or bathing (ewww), Arachibutyrophobia, this is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth, wow very specific, here's a tip just don't eat peanut butter haha. Barophobia, I have no idea how this is possible but this is a fear of gravity, really wtf haha. See what I mean by some of them are just bizarre and weird.

I have many phobias too. I have stage fright (I hate going on stage), claustrophobia, fear of being enclosed in small spaces, Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia is a fear of being locked in an enclosed space, Automatonophobia fear of ventriloquist dummies, manikins, wax statues - anything that falsely represents a sentient being and Arachnophobia (fear of spiders). I have a few more fears/phobias but I decided I'm not going to name them all. I told you these 4 fears/phobias because these are my worst ones. 
Some people have many fears like me but some may have only one or even none. Anyway most people have something their afraid of but we all have to face fears at some point. I probably have faced a few of my fears but it has always ended badly for example my English teacher told me that me and friend had to do a presentation in front of the whole year the day after that day, and when she told us just thinking about it that day I had a massive panic attack, it was one of my worst experiences but luckily I refused and said no to doing it and my teacher was alright with it. Facing your fears can end badly like that time with me or it can help you cure your fear. However, if your to scared to face your fears, you could go and see a therapist about how to cure your fears.

But fears are the down part of human life I guess and your lucky if you don't have any. Leave your fears in the comments!
Emily xx

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