Tuesday 3 December 2013


Ok, the next big topic, flaws.

First things first.
What is a flaw?
A flaw is an imperfection or a weakness that is usually concealed by the individual. Flaws are things an individual doesn't like about themselves, the individual would usually try to cover up or do pretty much everything to improve this flaw or make it go away. Sometimes it can cause depression and flaws may also cause the person to hate themselves.

Remember everyone has flaws. Even if you see someone as flawless, there's nothing wrong with them and that there perfect, your wrong. Your not that person, you don't know, they may hate everything about themself. 

Examples of flaws and my flaws
There are many things that are seen as flaws, there are physical flaws and emotional flaws. For example, physical flaws are things such as pimples, body shape, body weight, face appearance etc. Emotional flaws are seen as things such as someone who is a naturally/extremely jealous, anxious, over reacting person or has anger issues. I have flaws too, I feel I have quite a few flaws but I will only share what I feel are my main flaws. My first is an emotional flaw... I am an extremely anxious person, I worry and panic over the smallest things sometimes. This is my main flaw because it causes me to have panic attacks which are scary and horrible things to have. My next main flaw is, well, I guess it can be both physical and emotional but I am also an incredibly shy person, I hate public speaking! I even try to avoid putting my hand up in class because I'm usually too shy. If I have talk to in front of the class or even a small group of people I will go bright red, one time I had to do a speech with my friend in front of the whole of the year and I broke out into a huge panic attack about a day before I had to do it. Luckily I pulled out of doing the speech before I embarrassed myself. That was only 2 of my flaws, I have more though.

However, I have learnt to try and ignore those flaws and appreciate what I have and like the way I look. On the other hand, I love some things about me too for example, I love my hair, it is a beautiful golden color and its nice and wavy which I like, I also like the shade of blue my eyes are. I decided to pick out the positives and the things I like about myself and I think you should do that too. Everyone has flaws, nobody's perfect but everyone has positives too. Just try and look for the positives about yourself and do not focus on your flaws, just the things you like. Unfortunately, some people may not like anything about themselves. Even though some people think that, there is always at least one thing that you will like about yourselves...you just have to find it.

I'm sorry it was quite short but I hope it was beneficial enough for you.
Emily xx

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