Tuesday, 31 December 2013

New Years Eve

So, it's New Year's eve already. I can't believe that this year has gone so quick, it's amazing haha. This year has had its ups and down for example some of the good things is that I have met a few new friends, I got my first A, I've got a supernatural buddy and I went to my first concert and more. However the downs of the year, I had my first ever panic attack around May time, then another one a couple weeks ago. These were horrible and terrifying, a real downfall in my life and because of these panic attacks it has really reduced my self-confidence and self-esteem, these panic attacks really effected my life because my panic and worry levels are higher than ever. Also, my parents have had 2 massive arguments which were terrifying and both times the fights happened in the evening and I had to cry myself to sleep.

Apart from all that I really hope that 2014 will be a great year, well hopefully much better than this year. I really hope you all have a great new year too and have great accomplishments coming your way. 
What have you got planned for new years eve today, going out and celebrating with friends and family or maybe staying at home having a movie night? Whatever your doing make sure you have a lot of fun!

Tomorrow is new years day and I'm looking forward to telling you my new years resolutions.
Emily xx

Sunday, 29 December 2013


Worrying is a type of anxiety. Everyone worries, whether its over pretty much everything or if it's worrying about one specific thing. You all worry about something. For me I worry about loads of things, from exams to talking in front of people. But most of the things we worry about never happen. Worrying only brings stress and panic and that is never good because it can cause panic attacks which are extremely horrible, believe me I know, I've had 2 panic attacks so far and they a terrifying and brings a terrible, horrible feeling. I wouldn't wish a panic attack on anyone, not even my worst enemy (I don't have one but I wouldn't wish it on anyone)

The best thing to do is to not let the worry take over, you can control it and make it get locked up but if you let the worry through it will take over and cause lots of horrible feelings and actions which can severely effect your behavior. You could be so worried about everything that you go into shut down mode, you won't want to leave your house, you won't want to talk to anyone, you won't want to go anywhere, you just want to stay at home where it's 'safe'. You may think that nowhere else is 'safe' because you worried that the worse will happen. This won't help anything though, it could cause friends and family to stay well away from you(which won't be nice), your friends may stop inviting you to go anywhere because the thing that is worrying you is keeping you from doing anything. All this could happen if you let the worry and panic through, it won't be nice will it, it will be horrible. Just think of all those horrible things that could happen to if you let that bad feeling through and this will encourage you not to let any of you not to let any of the worry and panic through so you don't have to face any of those events.

Don't let the worry through, don't let it control you and stop you from things you want to do, don't let the worry take over because it can cause you to miss out of many opportunities!
Stand up to the anxiety, bat it away and lock it up so it doesn't cause you any depression or stress.

Emily xx

Wednesday, 25 December 2013


It's the 25th of December and that means one thing... it's Christmas day!!!! Woop Woop, let's party haha!

This post is just really to say Merry Christmas, I really hope everyone got everything they wanted, I also really hope you spent lots of time with your families because some people don't get that opportunity and everyone should be proud and appreciate those amazing people who don't get to spend time at Christmas or barely any time at all with their families/friends but instead they are out there doing us all proud by fighting for our country. Your all amazing!

I can't believe how fast this year has gone!!!! I hope everyone has a good 2014 and a good New Years.
What plans have you all made for the new years?
What Christmas presents did you get?
(Just curious)
Merry Christmas and have a happy New year!
Emily xx

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

The Truth About December!

It's Christmas Eve!!!!! I literally can't believe Christmas has come round so quick!

Anyway the point of this post. Yesterday I watched danisnotonfire's newest youtube video named 'The Truth About December', I loved it and it inspired me to make a blog post about it. So, here we go.

December is such a stressful month! This is because of the main event near the end of the month. Christmas. In a lot of ways Christmas/December is great, spend time with family, eat lots, presents etc. However, it can be mad dash of panic and stress trying to get everything ready for Christmas.

Some people love everything about Christmas (which is me) and protect its honour like someone's trying to eat their baby. However, some people hate everything about it. If you don't celebrate Christmas you won't relate. But December is literally a ticking time bomb until your complete, mental breakdown. I agree that December is really stressful but all I mainly think about is Christmas, even though I'm 14 I still get way too overly excited for Christmas.

Back to the stressful part of December. If you still go to school you will know that on your last week before you break up for Christmas, all you do is just watch films, play Christmas quizzes and pretty much do nothing, this isn't at all stressful (obviously) but if your in year 11 (which I'm not) I know that, that week all you have is mock exams which are seriously stressful. I'm in year 10 and on the second to last week before we broke up I had a French speaking mock which I was bloody terrified for, I burst out crying and had a panic attack before it which was horrible. I got a grade E for it which isn't so good, so my teacher said to me and a few others that we have to retake it in January, so basically I will have to relive it again :(. Anyway the year 11's had to suffer through like 20 mock exams which isn't the best way to spend your last week of school before Christmas.

Also, all the Christmas shopping. Everyone goes into town determined to do their Christmas shopping and trying to survive the Christmas shopping war zone. Never leave it till the last minute! You may not be able to get the gifts you want and it just brings on more stress. If you buy the presents around 2 weeks before Christmas, you don't need to stress out worrying if you've bought everything, it won't be a big war zone with all the Christmas shoppers etc.

Basically, December is just a big lump of panic, worry, stress and a bit of excitement really.
Once Christmas is over you can just relax.
Have a great Christmas!
Emily xx

Sunday, 22 December 2013


So, I guess this post is just a little chit chat, update type of post.
It's 3 sleeps till Christmas!!!! Who's excited? I know I definitely am! Woop Woop, can't wait. Well, now I've got my excitement out the way, time for the update part of the post.

Friday, I broke up from school for the Christmas holidays! Every year at school on our last day before we brake up for Christmas, everyone has a tutor party, to be honest my tutor party was more like a 6 year olds birthday party haha. If you don't know what tutors groups are at school basically there are 4 or 5 people from each year which is our tutor group and we have one teacher as our tutor, and we have a specific room where our tutor room is. We go to our tutor rooms for 25 minutes everyday except Friday (we miss out PD on Fridays because we finish earlier) and this is called personal development ( PD for short). So anyway on Friday we went to our tutor rooms for an hour and a half for a tutor party (usually on a normal Friday we finish school at 2:05pm but we finished at 1:00pm for out last day before Christmas) then we went home afterwards also at school we have 6 coloured houses that were all in and 3 houses had a Christmas assembly on Tuesday and the other 3 had theirs on Friday. So that was quite a good day.

However, on a down side. The next day (Saturday) I woke up to the sound of my mum crying her eyes out. Throughout the whole of that Saturday morning my parents were arguing. My dad got dressed and stormed outside in a rage and took the car somewhere (I think he went to his work office) then about an hour and a half later he came back. My mum and dad wouldn't talk to each other. Since my dad came back they didn't talk to each other for about 4 hours then when I had my dinner they started arguing and shouting again so I took my dinner plate and ran upstairs crying. I opened my brother Luke's room and said "I'm not eating down there, their arguing again". I am so lucky to have a brother like Luke because he went downstairs and tried to stop them, this has happened before and then Luke went to the rescue too. Anyway luckily their fine now and not arguing. But honestly it was horrible I hated it. 

Anyway that was a couple 'events' that have happened over this weekend.
I can't wait until Christmas though, as you can tell. Tuesday is Christmas eve and every Christmas eve we have a tradition in the day we go for a long walk through the woods and at the end of the woods is a pub and we always get a drink there. So I'm looking forward to that! 
Do you have any Christmas traditions?
Emily xx

Thursday, 19 December 2013


Ok, I'm so sorry I keep changing it but I'm just going to still stick with 4 posts per week but I'm not going to set certain days, or if I'm going talk about a big topic or just like a chatty one. I'm only going to talk about whatever really, that can relate to you.

Today's topic is fears. Everyone has at least one phobia (something their scared of), unless your someone who is completely fearless, it is highly unlikely that someone will have no fear though. Everyone has a fear but it might be that you haven't found it yet. There's nothing wrong with having fears/phobias!.
What made me want to talk about fears and phobias is that the other day in maths my teacher was looking at this thing called The Phobia List. This list is basically all the possible phobias you can have and there names. He was calling some out in class and some of the phobias just sound bizarre. Some of them. You may want to stay away with anyone with this, Ablutophobia, a fear of washing or bathing (ewww), Arachibutyrophobia, this is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth, wow very specific, here's a tip just don't eat peanut butter haha. Barophobia, I have no idea how this is possible but this is a fear of gravity, really wtf haha. See what I mean by some of them are just bizarre and weird.

I have many phobias too. I have stage fright (I hate going on stage), claustrophobia, fear of being enclosed in small spaces, Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia is a fear of being locked in an enclosed space, Automatonophobia fear of ventriloquist dummies, manikins, wax statues - anything that falsely represents a sentient being and Arachnophobia (fear of spiders). I have a few more fears/phobias but I decided I'm not going to name them all. I told you these 4 fears/phobias because these are my worst ones. 
Some people have many fears like me but some may have only one or even none. Anyway most people have something their afraid of but we all have to face fears at some point. I probably have faced a few of my fears but it has always ended badly for example my English teacher told me that me and friend had to do a presentation in front of the whole year the day after that day, and when she told us just thinking about it that day I had a massive panic attack, it was one of my worst experiences but luckily I refused and said no to doing it and my teacher was alright with it. Facing your fears can end badly like that time with me or it can help you cure your fear. However, if your to scared to face your fears, you could go and see a therapist about how to cure your fears.

But fears are the down part of human life I guess and your lucky if you don't have any. Leave your fears in the comments!
Emily xx

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Expected Life Events

I am so sorry I'm a little behind schedule again so I'm posting the big topic post today instead of last night. Ps. I'm going to miss out Wednesday's now as I keep falling behind schedule and I think I post too many times a week. So from now on there will be no posts on Wednesdays.

Last times big topic was unexpected life events so I thought it would only make sense if I did expected life events today.

Expected life events are much less stressful than unexpected life events because you know it's going to happen and/or wanted to happen, also, the change its usually predictable, so you will most likely prepare yourself and plan for it. For example starting school is an example of an expected life event, because you know you will have to start school at some point and your parents should have told you all about it and reassured you about starting school. Expected life events leave impacts on your life as well as unexpected life events. For example marriage could be an example of an expected life event.
Marriage is a big impact on your life because it brings much bigger responsibilities and more commitment into your life. Usually when your married it is most likely you will have a baby too, having a baby could be an example of both unexpected and expected. But this also brings great responsibilities into your life. You will have less spare time, it's tiring, it's stressful and it can be very annoying. This leaves big impacts on your life because it is most likely permanent and it can effect/test you emotionally, socially, physically and intellectually

That's all I have to say about expected life events. I'm am really sorry that these big topic posts aren't that long. They are supposed to be beneficial and informative but I usually run out of things to say or if I carry on I will probably keep saying something I already said. I will try to make theme longer though.
Emily xx

Monday, 16 December 2013

Christmas Questions #4

I'm sorry I didn't do any Christmas questions on Friday. I ran out of time on Thursday to do my main post so I posted it on Friday. I was a little behind schedule.

Anyway, 9 days till Christmas!!

1) Talk us through your typical Christmas day
Well, me and my brother wake up at about 8:30 and go into my mum and dad's room if they say it's too early we count how many presents we have in our room, we shake them etc. Trying to guess what they are ( May sound a bit weird but oh well). When my mum and dad wake up they come in whoever is opening their presents firsts room. We open them then go down stairs to open the presents under the tree from our Nan and the presents in the stockings. We have breakfast and get dressed then chill out for about 2 hours. We alternate between 3 houses with relatives each Christmas and this year it's our house so we don't really have to go anywhere this year. That's pretty much it.

2) What is your favourite thing about Christmas?
I have a few favourite things I love about Christmas. The laughs with the relatives, the decorations, and obviously the presents.

3) Are you a pro present wrapper or do you fail miserably?
Personally, I think I'm in the middle. I'm not amazing but I'm not completely terrible. But even though I'm not a pro I still go all out with ribbon etc when it comes to wrapping. I really love wrapping.

4) Best present you have ever received at Christmas?
The best present I gave ever received is probably my 36 inch TV, well I think I got it for Christmas

5) Worst present you have ever received?
Well, if you have watched doctor who you will know what this is. A few Christmases ago I received a weeping Angel toy statue thing. I hated weeping angels and my mum and dad got it for me as a joke.

I honestly can't think of any more Christmas questions so I guess this was the last one from this mini series. 

On Wednesday I will come back with something else to talk about. Not sure what it is yet.
Hope you liked this mini series.
Emily xx

Friday, 13 December 2013

Unexpected Life Events

Firstly, I would like to apologise that I didn't publish this blog post last night, I ran out of time.

So, recently I have been learning about unexpected life events in my health and social care lessons at school and it has made me remember how hard it is and what it's like.

Unexpected Life events are always very hard to handle. They are not planned and when they happen it hits you like a ton of bricks. A lot of unexpected life events can be very upsetting and maybe surprising for you. Events like these may be things such as serious illnesses, a death of a loved one and more. These things effect your families and friends massively, it will probably leave a big hole in your heart and you might feel like part of you is missing. It will be very hard to take in but trust me once it sinks in, you will try not to think about it and move on. Moving on from such a serious event that has happened in your life will be very hard for some people. It may take a long time for you to move on, depending on what the event is and if it on involves someone else, your relationship with them.

Everyone has been through an unexpected life event that has effected them at least once in their life ( I know I have) so everyone will know what it's like and how you feel. Remember, if these types of events cause you to be depressed and upset, remember you are not alone!! Lots of people have been through this. Please, if you are finding it incredibly hard to cope with talk to a close family member or friend and keep you mind off of it. If you sit at home crying and being deppressed etc. It won't do you any good. When you talk to someone who is close to you about it you will feel much better that you have got your feelings out. However, some people may not want to talk about it, that's fine, I was like that when a close family friend of ours died last month. But once I talked to my friends about why I was upset at school and once I had done that I forgot about it as they cheered me up. I'm not trying to push you to talk about it if your not ready to yet, I am just suggesting it as it is a good idea but it might only work for some people.

Your not alone. Talk to someone if your ready to. Everyone goes through it at some point in their life.

Emily xx

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Christmas Questions #3

1)  What pieces of clothing do you usually where at this time of year?
It's Winter, so obviously I will go for pieces of clothing that keep me warm. I love Parker coats, Parker coats mainly come in dark green but I think they come in other colour such as black and navy blue. Parker coats are known for there fluffy hoods and sometimes if you find one with a fluffy inside lining, that's a bonus! I also love tartan scarfs, especially red ones. They go with pretty much everything and I just love them.

2) Which hot drink do you usually go for in Winter?
Definitely a yummy, delicious hot chocolate.

3) Where do you usually go for Christmas?
Well, on Christmas day we alternate every year between our house, and and 2 other aunties/uncles houses. Sometimes if we have the relatives round on Christmas day, one other auntie and uncle have us and the relatives round on boxing day then the auntie and uncle left will have us and the relatives on new years. I think is our turn for Christmas day this year.

4) Real or fake Christmas tree?
As much as I want a real Christmas tree, we always have a fake one. I think it may be because if we get a real one my family won't want to get a new Christmas tree each year.

5) Do prefer giving or receiving presents?
At the moment, I know it may sound mean but I prefer receiving presents. However, I definitely think as I get older I will prefer giving presents.

There was the next questions, I think I am starting to run out of questions so I will keep going until I completely run out of Q&A's.
Emily xx

Monday, 9 December 2013

Christmas Questions #2

Time to answer the next 5 questions in my Christmas Questions series!

1) What is your favourite Christmas song?
Well, I have many favourite Christmas songs but probably my top 3 would be The Pogues feat Kirsty MaColl - Fairy tale of New York, Mariah Carey - All I want for Christmas is you, and Shakin' Stevens - Merry Christmas Everyone. I recommend giving these songs a listen too!

2) How much are excited for Christmas?
I seriously cannot wait for Christmas!!!! It is by far my favourite time of year and I am massively excited for it.

3) Do you have any funny Christmas memories?
I found this quite funny! Last year, on Christmas eve at about 11:30 - 12:00pm, when me and my family were going to bed, my dad played a funny Christmas song called Dominic The Donkey full volume on his dock station and I kept singing and jumping around to the song which I found really funny. I don't really have any other memories.

4) Do you like decorating your bedroom for Christmas?
This year has been the only year that I've decorated my bedroom with Christmas decorations. I think it's because a few months ago I redecorated my bedroom so it's a bit more grown up for me. So, this December I decided to decorate my bedroom all festive and Christmassy. I really like it though, so I will probably decorate my room every year now.

5) Do you send Christmas cards?
I usually give Christmas cards to all my friends at school but my mum usually gives the other Christmas cards to relatives, family friends etc.

Ok, so that was my next 5 questions. Hope your liking the Christmas Q&A's so far. I will be back with more of these on Wednesday.
Emily xx

Friday, 6 December 2013

Christmas Questions #1

It is now 19 days till Christmas. I have decided to answer some Christmassy questions for you. Everyday I do the smaller posts, so Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, I will answer 5 Christmas related questions for the build up to Christmas, or until I run out of questions. Let's get started!

1) What is your favourite Christmas film?
Well, I'm torn between two, Home Alone and Elf, there both amazingly funny films and I can't decide between the two so there both my favourite Christmas films. I highly recommend you watch them both.

2) When do you start getting excited for Christmas?
I usually start getting excited for Christmas around mid September ( fairly early I know) Basically, when it gets colder outside and when it starts to get darker earlier. I get massively excited for Christmas though.

3) Do you have any Christmas traditions?
We had more Christmas traditions when me and my brother were younger, for example putting a carrot and a glass milk for Santa and his reindeer. On Christmas eve me and my brother decided who's bedroom were going in first to watch open their presents on Christmas day and that's pretty much it I think. Other than having a roast dinner on Christmas day like everyone else does.

4) Do you like Christmas?
No, I bloody love it. Christmas is my favourite time of year by miles. I get way to overly excited for it (as you may have already guessed) I think but oh well, Christmas makes me extremely happy!!

5) Do you still have advent calendars?
Yes, and I don't think I will stop having an advent calendar any time soon. Yum chocolates! Hehe.

Ok, so that was my first 5 Christmas related questions. I hoped you liked it and I will do 5 more on Monday.
Emily xx

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Build up to Christmas

As you all may know. It's 21 days till Christmas!!!! Woop Woop! Yep, I am now counting down! I get way too over excited for Christmas for some reason. As you may find out throughout the countdown to Christmas. This is pretty much what I am going to talk about in this post, purely because honestly I didn't know what else to talk about.

Recently, I have been listening to lots of Christmas songs to get me in the festive, Christmas spirit. As you may know from one of my previous posts I have bought some Christmas decorations for my bedroom such as light up polar bears, fairy lights and a small Christmas tree. I am going to a really good, cheap shop called The Range to get 2 more small sets of Christmas fairy lights. It may sound like too much for some people but oh well, I love Christmas decorations, and for me you can never have enough of them. I'm sure some people get as excited as me but I know that some people just might not really care much about Christmas (which is a shame).

By the way, I would just like to say I am absolutely in love with the John Lewis Christmas advert with the bunny and the bear and all the other woodland animals etc. It is such an adorable advert and what makes it even better for me is that the soundtrack is one of my favorite song's at the moment, Lilly Allen's version of Somewhere only we know. I am in love with this song at the moment too. 

This was just really sharing what Christmas themed things I am loving at the moment and sharing my Christmas excitement too.
Sorry this was only a short one, and I apologize if my Christmas excitement annoys you but that is just who I am and I cannot contain my excitement.
Who else is excited for Christmas?
Emily xx

Tuesday, 3 December 2013


Ok, the next big topic, flaws.

First things first.
What is a flaw?
A flaw is an imperfection or a weakness that is usually concealed by the individual. Flaws are things an individual doesn't like about themselves, the individual would usually try to cover up or do pretty much everything to improve this flaw or make it go away. Sometimes it can cause depression and flaws may also cause the person to hate themselves.

Remember everyone has flaws. Even if you see someone as flawless, there's nothing wrong with them and that there perfect, your wrong. Your not that person, you don't know, they may hate everything about themself. 

Examples of flaws and my flaws
There are many things that are seen as flaws, there are physical flaws and emotional flaws. For example, physical flaws are things such as pimples, body shape, body weight, face appearance etc. Emotional flaws are seen as things such as someone who is a naturally/extremely jealous, anxious, over reacting person or has anger issues. I have flaws too, I feel I have quite a few flaws but I will only share what I feel are my main flaws. My first is an emotional flaw... I am an extremely anxious person, I worry and panic over the smallest things sometimes. This is my main flaw because it causes me to have panic attacks which are scary and horrible things to have. My next main flaw is, well, I guess it can be both physical and emotional but I am also an incredibly shy person, I hate public speaking! I even try to avoid putting my hand up in class because I'm usually too shy. If I have talk to in front of the class or even a small group of people I will go bright red, one time I had to do a speech with my friend in front of the whole of the year and I broke out into a huge panic attack about a day before I had to do it. Luckily I pulled out of doing the speech before I embarrassed myself. That was only 2 of my flaws, I have more though.

However, I have learnt to try and ignore those flaws and appreciate what I have and like the way I look. On the other hand, I love some things about me too for example, I love my hair, it is a beautiful golden color and its nice and wavy which I like, I also like the shade of blue my eyes are. I decided to pick out the positives and the things I like about myself and I think you should do that too. Everyone has flaws, nobody's perfect but everyone has positives too. Just try and look for the positives about yourself and do not focus on your flaws, just the things you like. Unfortunately, some people may not like anything about themselves. Even though some people think that, there is always at least one thing that you will like about yourselves...you just have to find it.

I'm sorry it was quite short but I hope it was beneficial enough for you.
Emily xx

Monday, 2 December 2013

Christmas Bedroom Ideas

It's 23 days till Christmas. This means people start putting their decorations and trees up. Which is why I'm bringing 'Christmas Bedroom Ideas' to you. I hope this gives you some ideas on how to decorate your bedrooms for Christmas.

Fairy lights
Fairy lights are a must have Christmas decoration for your bedroom and there perfect for everywhere else in the house too. They are a cute, pretty and simple decoration that look gorgeous when on in the evening. They can come in quite a few colours, white, cream or blue are a classic popular choice usually, there are also multicoloured fairy lights available too. Fairy lights add a very pretty and festive look to bedroom. I have a few sets of fairy lights in my room. You could put them anywhere in your room.

A small tree
Adding a small tree to your festive bedroom look would be great. Add some baubles and fairy lights to make it even more christmassy and festive. This is the first year I have decorated my bedroom for Christmas but I am loving it and it has got me extremely even more excited for Christmas. I have placed my small tree in the centre of my window sill but if you have a small space on a desk, dressing table, chest of draws or anywhere else you can think of the tree will still look perfect.

Candles are great all year round but in the winter, I just feel like it's makes it feel nice and cosy. Scented candles are my favourite, there amazing, especially if they smell nice, and what better way to get into the Christmas spirit with a Christmassy scented candle. Candles are just a cosy little touch to your bedroom.

A festive duvet cover
For some people this may be a bit over board, or you might just don't like changing your duvet covers. But, a Christmassy patterned duvet cover may be nice. Honestly I haven't done this but it's a cute idea to feel all festive and add some more Christmas cheer to your bedroom.

I hope this gave you an inspiration on how to decorate your bedroom to get into the Christmas spirit. I hope this made you feel nice and festive now and ready for Christmas. Good luck on the decorating.
Emily xx

Friday, 29 November 2013

Gift Guide for Dad's

Last time, I did a gift guide for mum's and now it's the gift guide for dad's.

Honestly, because I am only 14 I don't buy my mum or dad much for Christmas but as I get older I probably will buy more for them. Still, I find it very hard to shop for my dad. I never know what to get him and well in general, shopping for men I find hard.
I will do my best though to give you gift ideas to buy your dad's.

A massager
If you decide to get a massager you will probably have a choice of a plastic massager or an electric one. Honestly, I have no idea which is better, so, you will have to decide that for yourself I'm afraid. My dad is always grumpy and moaning that his back hurts, I'm sure most of your dad's are like this too. If this is the case, then a plastic or an electric massager would be a great gift for him.

Toiletries gift set
A toiletries gift set is a pretty standard and obvious Christmas present for your dad. Every Christmas it is most likely that pretty much every member of your family will receive a toiletries gift set. It's nice and simple and easy to get hold of, most toiletries gift sets aren't that expensive unless you go for the more high end sets. Lynx is a very popular, cheap set to get, even I love the scent of the men's lynx deodorant and I'm a girl. Me and my brother receive a lynx set pretty much every Christmas, he usually gets the men's Africa one, which is my favourite and I usually get the girl one which is also quite nice.

Man Fragrance
All men should smell good, including dad's. Personally I think manly perfume isn't really something that men would go out and buy themselves. Usually it's the wife or girlfriend that does it for them or gets it as a gift for them. At least the benefits of buying men's perfume for your dad means that you can guarantee he will smell socially acceptable, it really is a gift for both of you.

An Electric shaver
I have so also chosen to add an electric shaved to the gift guide for dad's. I chose to add this to the list because I think an electric shaver is an ideal gift for dad's as you know it will get regularly used. Well, unless your dad doesn't shave but the majority of dad's do shave. No one wants a stubbly dad, so do both you and him a favour and allow him to be cleanly shaven this Christmas.

I hope I did ok with this and helped you guys pick a present for you dad's.
Emily xx

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Gift Guide for Mums

As you probably know, Christmas is about only 4 weeks away and I thought I would do some gift guides. Today's gift guide is, a gift guide for mum's.

Fancy chocolates 
You just can't go wrong with chocolates, especially when there fancy looking. Thorntons do a great range of different chocolates in all different fancy looking boxes. I know if I got my mum some fancy looking chocolates she definitely wouldn't be sharing them with anyone

A photo album.
One or two years ago my cousin got her mum an electronic photo album, (a normal photo album would be great too) and she's loves it, my auntie always puts it on, especially at Christmas when the family goes round. This is such a great thoughtful gift for a mum. You can fill it up with pictures or leave it empty and let your mum put her own pictures in. My cousin filled the electronic photo album with pictures old and new, from pictures when her and her siblings were young and silly memorable pictures to very recent ones. This is very thoughtful and I can tell if I gave mum this she would get all emotional and think the world of it.

Spa day voucher
You have to admit all mothers need a day or a weekend off from cleaning the house, doing chores and looking after there children. A nice relaxing weekend off to go to the spa will do your mother good and will be very grateful for it.

High end perfume
Quite an obvious present choice for woman and generally one that can't wrong, all woman love to smell good! Usually high end perfumes are slightly more expensive but don't you worry once you give your mum her favourite gorgeous smelling perfume it will be worth it. Or you can even get a cheaper perfume that your mum likes, if this is your/your mum's preference and more in your budget then go for it.

Bath products
All woman, all ages love to have a relaxing bath in the evening, I'm 14 and I absolutely love having baths. So, your just can't go wrong with bath products. Perhaps some bath bombs, LUSH do amazing, massive range of bath bombs and at the moment they have their Christmas range out which is gorgeous. Also, soap and glory (found at boots and other drugstores) have a great range of bath products that smell gorgeous however, you will either love the scents or hate them, their range includes body wash, body butters, and more!

I hope these ideas for Christmas presents for mum's really helped you choose what to get you mum.

Ps. I'm sorry that I'm publishing this post today and not yesterday. I started the post last night and ran out of time before I could finish and publish it. So, you are going to get two blog posts from me today. My usual Thursday post will be up this evening.

Emily xx

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Paranoia (being paranoid)

I am a very paranoid person. It has become a big issue recently because two of my friends keep going off and having 'secret' conversations. When my friends do that it massively pee's me off. Also, this paranoia causes me to panic and it really stresses me out. Whenever I go over to them during one of these 'secret' conversations they always shout at me saying "go away" or "fuck off" and this really offends whether their joking or not or being sarcastic or not. I take offence really easily which is sometimes a problem as I can get upset over something that somebody said which was meant to be a joke.

What is paranoia (being paranoid)
Paranoia is a symptom in which an individual feels as if the world is 'out to get' him or her. When people are paranoid, they feel as if others are always talking behind their backs. Paranoia causes intense feelings of distrust, and can sometimes lead to overt or covert hostility. An individual suffering from paranoia, feels suspicious, and has a sense that other people may want to harm him or her. As a result, the paranoid individual changes his or her actions in response to a world that is perceived as personally threatening. Objective observers may be quite clear on the fact that no one's words or actions are actually threatening the paranoid individual.

Note: Researchers do not fully understand what chemical or physical changes in the brain cause paranoia.


It can be quite challenging to get an individual who is suffering from paranoia to accept treatment. Their paranoid condition makes them distrustful of people's motivation towards them, So that even the medical doctor appears to be a suspicious party. Medications that may be offered are usually looked at with great distrust, and efforts at psychotherapy are considered 'mind control' by a profoundly paranoid individual.
The first step to be taken when someone is suffering from paranoia is that of determining whether an easily reversible situation (such as an adverse reaction to a medication) might be causing the paranoia. If so, discontinuing the drug (either immediately or by gradually weaning the dose might end the symptoms of paranoia.

Tip on how to stop paranoia
This tip is my favourite and most helpful for me because it relates to me a lot. Hopefully this will help you too.

 Learn to reign your negative thoughts.
One of the reasons you're paranoid is probably that you tend to assume the worst in any situation, and focus on the worst thing that can happen instead of being realistic about the possible outcome (this is definitely what I do). You may think that everyone hates you or is talking about you, however it's very likely that none of this is true. 

The next time you have a very negative thought, stop and do the following:

-> Ask yourself how likely is it that the negative thought your having is actually likely to come true.

-> When your expecting the worst, consider all the possible outcomes of a situation, not just the negative ones. Then you'll see that there are many other possibilities other than the worst one.

-> Try to combat each negative thought with two positive thoughts. For example, if your worried that you think everyone thinks your new shoes look terrible, just think how good your hair and outfit look.

Monday, 25 November 2013

Autumn/Winter Essentials

Just to let you know, in case your a bit confused. I have decided that every Monday, Wednesday and Friday is just the smaller posts, the blog post topics for these days will be a range of different things but it will mainly be, updates, Question and Answers/tag questions and season related topics. On Tuesday's and Thursday's these will be the bigger and hopefully more beneficial posts and topics.

Today is Monday which means today is going to be a slightly smaller post. 

Autumn/Winter Essentials

I expect you have noticed if you live in the UK, that it is much colder now and it gets darker between 3:30 and 4:00 too and this means one thing. It is Autumn and Winter is coming! Which is why I am bringing to you my Autumn/Winter essentials.

Whatever the weather my feet always get extremely cold, and Winter is the worst time of the year to have cold feet which is why I always have to wear some thick, comfy, fluffy and soft socks to keep my little toes warm. 

Pj bottoms/Joggers 

Don't pretend you don't do this but you will spend the majority of your spare time in some comfy pj bottoms or joggers. This just makes me feel all chilled out and more feel more comfortable of I don't need to go anywhere I will chuck some on with a cosy jumper. Which brings me to my next one.

Everyone, especially in winter loves to just chuck on an amazing cosy jumper just to lounge around in and feel all snug, I know I do. Again, like I said in the previous one I usually do this if I'm not going anywhere. Even if I am going out I will still wear a warm, cosy jumper.

Make up
Honestly, I don't wear much make up but if someone were to ask me what colours I would wear in winter, I would instantly say cranberry shades. I think this mainly implies to lipsticks, nail varnishes and blusher. When it comes to wearing make up in winter I always think of cranberry and dark red shades, these are very pretty shades but very dark and daring colours to wear. 

Personally, I don't really wear scarfs that often, only if I'm out and I am massively freezing. But definitely in Autumn and Winter I think everyone should own a tartan scarf! This sort of pattern if perfect for this sort of year. If you don't know what a tartan scarf looks like, it is a checked patterned scarf usually it's red but it can come in all different colours.

Well, these are my winter essentials. Sorry if I missed anything out.
Please leave your winter essentials in the comments.
Emily xx

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Boundaries and Saying NO!

Just a quick first thing I have to say. I know I said I will publish this post yesterday but I decided I will post Tuesday's and Thursday's each week instead of Tuesday's and Wednesday's .

Everyone has our own boundaries that we don't want people to cross. Usually this occurs in relationships a lot. In some relationships one person could be rushing things too much and the other may want to take it slow, a partner hugging you, kissing you, holding your hand and doing other sexual actions when you don't want them too, this is known as 'crossing the boundaries'. If your thinking "I don't want to do this, I'm not ready" or "I'm not sure", you have full rights to confront them and say "NO". If they say "Come on, there's nothing to worry about, it's fine" then you know a boundary has been crossed, then you are well within rights to say "NO, you are crossing my personal boundaries, I don't concent this and I don't want this".

 I know that some people may find it difficult to say no because you may just think it's too rude or your someone who doesn't like taking control and confronting someone but a lot of the time it's because you don't really realise it's happening until afterwards. But don't worry just be rude to them! If you say NO and just be rude and just confront them, if they have common sense they will realise that their wrong and your right. Hopefully they will back down and stop rushing things and let you do things you want and that your comfortable with. They should realise that they have crossed your person boundaries and that it's making you feel uncomfortable.

When your in this position where some is or has crossed/crossing your boundaries it's not a very nice position to be in. They try to force you into things that you don't want to do. This is called manipulation, well there are more names for it such as persuasion and encouragement etc. Afterwards you instantly think "wait that wasn't right and what that person did wasn't right". I think this is a really common thing, you can put all your trust in someone then they force and manipulate you into something that you feel uncomfortable with, then you instantly think "Can I ever put my trust in that person ever again" you know that your trust has been abused here and that is definitely something that you should address.

Now that we have addressed this, what do you think girls or boys should do if they find themselves in this situation where their limit have been pushed and they have been put in a difficult position they don't want to be in. Then the time has gone on and its like the next day or whatever, think...What should I do?

You can always address the situation but I think the person who put you in that situation may not be willing to talk.

I really hope this post has been very beneficial for you
Please leave the situations you have been in regarding this topic and I promise I will read them.

Emily xx

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Just Say Yes!

"Just Say Yes, just say there's nothing holding you back"

How often do you turn things down or shy away from doing things that are just a little bit out of your comfort zone. How often do you say NO? For me I say No a whole lot more than I say yes.

Being a naturally very shy and anxious person, for me, saying no I often think is the only option. My mind would usually take control and makes me think that I will be safe doing the things that are within my comfort zone, things that don't scare me. I don't want to live my life like that, no one does. Do I want to live my life turning things down, and miss out on so many opportunities?, no, no I don't. I want to be able to say yes to more things and that is exactly what I will try to do.

Personally, sometimes I panic over things like homework or being picked on to answer a question in class but my main fear is having to talk in front of a group of people, this is because I have massive stage fright!. Some people may think "hey, that's no biggy" but honestly I really envy those people who have full confidence and can do these sort of things no problem. Last year we had to do a speech in pairs for English class and we had to perform the speech in front on the whole of our year (year 9). I had a massive panic attack, I was terrified. I bravely said that I didn't want to take part in it and I backed down, I was so glad my teacher understood (this relates to tomorrows blog post topic 'Boundaries and saying no'), I will probably go into more detail in another post.

There are very rarely times in my life, where there are not anxious thoughts that are floating around in my head. If you suffer with anxiety, panic attacks, depression etc. You get stuck in this NO mood, you don't want to do anything, you don't want to talk to anyone, you don't want to meet up with friends or family or even you may not want to leave your house. Whenever these things kick in just bat it away and say "NO, THIS IS MY LIFE, I'M NOT LETTING YOU TAKE OVER" this would be one of the best things to do. Soon as you let just a tiny bit of panic in, it will try to take over and stop you from doing things you actually want to do.

It has taken a whole lot of courage for me but because it is nearing 2014, for the new year I am going to make a new years resolution of trying to say YES to more things. Once you start saying yes, it will open a whole new world of new opportunities and you should gradually become a more confident person. If your nervous or scared at first like me, try to take it in baby steps first. Start to try and say yes to one thing each week and when you get more confident start saying yes to more things. Just push yourself! You never know what will come out of saying YES to things but you do know what will come out of saying NO to things you will feel like you can't do anything, you will start feeling even more crap about yourself, feeling like your not normal. At least if you push yourself you will experience new things but even if you fail sometimes at least your trying. Whatever is holding you back will determine how easy for you.

Just remember to push yourself, Just take baby steps at first, Just Say there's nothing holding you back, Just Say Yes!

This post was inspired by a blogger and youtuber called Zoella (aka Zoe Sugg). Zoe is a huge inspiration for me. She has done a blog post and a YouTube video called Just Say Yes and it was wonderfully written and a great message to put across. This inspired me to do a Just Say Yes post but in my opinion.

I really hope this was beneficial for you guys and could really relate to this post.
Please go check out Zoella on YouTube and check out her blog too, she is amazing.

Please say if and how this helped you in the comments.

Emily xx

Monday, 18 November 2013

Monday Insights #5 Ending

So, here it is again Monday Insights number 5. I'm thinking this may be the last of the series. Sorry about that. I may do another Monday series, I may not, I honestly don't know yet. But I can tell you one thing. I will be posting more often on my blog, hippee!
Well I will try to. I am aiming to be posting around 2-3 times a week instead of once a week. I am thinking the days will be Tuesday's, possibly Wednesday's and I'm not sure about the other day. But I will definitely be posting tomorrow and every Tuesday. My other posts will be a little different. Let's just say it's the type of posts that will be beneficial in some way (hopefully).

Anyway, I don't know if you will like today's topic or not but I'm sure you will all relate to it. My Obsessions. Yes, I know you all have at least one thing your obsessed with, or even more than one. Don't deny it. We all have something. Well, that's me, I definitely have more than one obsession. 

Recently, I have become massively obsessed with a TV show called Supernatural. You might have heard of it but for those who haven't I will try to briefly explain it whilst not giving too much away. Two brothers named Sam and Dean Winchester need to 'carry on where their dad left off, saving people hunting things, the family business'  they hunt ghosts, shape shifters, demons and many, many more terrifying creatures in order to fight, destry and kill the yellow eyed demon. During their time hunting they have to make some very life changing decisions, and many tragedies happen. I had heard a lot about supernatural from one of my friends and had always wanted to watch an episode or two. My dad had series 2 and 3 on DVD (shame not series one though) so I was planning to start watching them at sometime. A couple weeks ago I eventually watched season 2 episode 1 and I was hooked from the very beginning. It may sound sad but I haven't stopped watching if since. Everyday after school I watched episode after episode (obviously I had breaks for dinner, homework etc.) up until last night. I had finished both series. But I am still rewatching some of the episodes. I have asked for all the other series for Christmas so I can be all caught up. By the way there are 8 series. Even though Supernatural is supposed to be a horror series, it does contain some humour too but I have cried quite a lot, about 7 times so far. My dad said to me he has never heard of someone to cry at Supernatural. I highly recommended Supernatural!!

Anyway sorry about that big, old ramble about Supernatural, I told you I was obsessed with it.

My next obsession and I promise it won't be as long as the previous one. Is making lists. For some reason I love making lists about random things. For example a few of the lists I currently have are, my favourite quotes, my favourite blogs, my favourite boys names, my favourite youtubers, my favourite girls names and I have more. I don't know if anyone else likes doing this but I do. 

Leave your obsessions below in the comments.
What are your obsessions?

Monday, 11 November 2013

Monday Insights #4

Yes, for once I am posting in the day on a Monday. I usually post on a Monday evening because I am at school in the day. But, today we were at school for only an hour and a half. This is because we had no power in the whole school and according to the head teacher it wasn't save to keep the students in the school. Which means we got to go home!!!!! That made my day haha. 
That was just a brief, little update for you.

I am doing the 13 personal questions tag today. Yep, yet another tag. Sorry about that. To be honest, I didn't know what to do on today's post but I found another tag. So I hope you enjoy it and not find too boring.

13 Personal Questions Tag.
1) What do you order at Starbucks?
  I have never been to Starbucks so I am changing it to 'What do you order at Costa?' At Costa I always order a Sticky Toffee Creamy Cooler, mmmm.

2) What is one thing in your closet you cannot live without?
I absolutely love leggings. I never wear jeans, always leggings. So, my leggings is my answer.

3) What is one thing that probably most people wouldn't know about you?
I think most people won't know that I am a very anxious person, I panic so much about the simplest things.

4) Name one thing you want to do before you die?
Most people have already been here probably but I desperately want to visit New York. I have heard it's really nice.

5) What is one food you cannot live without?
I know it sounds really fatty of me but crisps. I always eat crisps yet somehow I'm not fat. I don't know how that is possible considering how much I eat haha.

6) What quote/phrase do you live your life by?
'Everything happens for a reason' I really think this is true.

7) What do you like and dislike about the Youtube community?
I like how YouTube gives people a chance to be free and be heard for once. However I dislike all the haters. People on your youtube give so much hate to certain youtubers when they haven't done anything wrong. This people are inconsiderate arseholes. These type people annoy me so much.

8) What is your number one most listened to song on iTunes?
I don't go on iTunes that often but on my phone I always listen to David Guetta Titanium, love that song!

9) What kind of style do you define yourself as having?
Honestly I have no idea, I am mixed really. I have days where I wear blouses with cute collars but I mostly wear hoodies, leggings and converse.

10) Favourite number?
For some reason my favourite number is 22. I don't know why.

11) Two hobbies?
I'm not sure if this is a hobbie but I always make lists, just about random things really. My other hobbie is drawing, even though I'm not the best, I still like to draw in my spare time.

12) Two pet peeves?
My first one is people who talk loudly in public, either when their on the phone or generally.

13) Guilty pleasure?
My guilty pleasure I'd crisps

Well, that was the 13 personal questions tag, hopes you enjoyed reading my responses to the questions. Why don't you do the tag yourselves?

Emily xx

Sunday, 10 November 2013

TMI tag

Yep, for once I am doing a blog post on a Sunday. I don't really know why this is, I just felt like doing a post on a Sunday for a change. Anyway back to the actual blog post. From the title you can probably guess what I'm going to do. I am doing the TMI tag. I have seen this tag floating around the world of YouTube and I just thought I would give it a go.

TMI Tag!

1) What are you wearing?
At the moment I am wearing a burgundy hoodie, a grey New York t-shirt with dark blue and red writing with leggings.

2) Ever been in love?
To be honest I have never had a proper boyfriend :/ so I guess not

3) Ever had a terrible breakup?
As I said before, I have never had a boyfriend so I have never had a breakup

4) How tall are you?
I am 5ft 2

5) How much do you weigh?
I weigh 6: 12

6) Any tattoos?

7) Any piercings?
None, not even my ears

8) OTP?
Zalfie (pointlessblog (Alfie) and Zoella (Zoe)), but their dating now :)

9) Favourite show?
Celebrity Juice and I'm a celebrity get me out of here

10) Favourite bands?
I have 3, Linkin Park, The Script and The vamps

11) Something you miss?
My friend Sian, she still hangs out with me and my other friends at school but she doesn't talk to me anymore and I have no idea why. Also, she has changed massively and I miss the old her.

12) Favourite song?
My favourite song at the moment, I hate One Direction but I absolutely love their new song called Story of my life. But, my favourite song ever is The Script, Man Who Can't be Moved

13) How old are who?
I am 14 years old

14) Zodiac sign?
I am Taurus

15) Quality you look for in a partner?
Mainly sense of humour

16) Favourite quote?
'Everything happens for a reason' I think this is true.

17) Favourite actor?
I have 2 favourites, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost

18) Favourite colour?

19) Loud music or soft?
Depends what mood I'm in. Usually soft I think.

20) Where do you go when your sad?
The internet

21) How long does it take you to shower?
Usually about 20 minutes

22) How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
About an hour

23) Ever been in a physical fight?

24) Turn on?
When a boy smells good. I automatically become more attractive to them.

25) Turn off?
Body odour, Someone who is rude and annoying too

26) The reason I joined YouTube?
I made a YouTube channel just so I could subscribe to my favourite youtubers.

27) Fears?
Small enclosed spaces, creepy dolls, spiders

28) Last thing that made you cry?
I have no idea why but a dream made me cry, I woke up crying.

29) Last time you said you loved someone?
To be honest I have no idea. I probably said it to my cat yesterday or something haha. Does my cat count.

30) Meaning behind your youtube name?
Well, the name is Emzcat1999, so it's the same name as my blogspot name. Doesn't really have a meaning. My nickname is Em or Emz, I like cats and I was born in 1999. So, there.

31) Last book you read?
A book called Anna Dressed In Blood, by Kendare Blake

32) The book your currently reading?
Not reading any book at the moment

33) Last show you watched?
I'm a celebrity get me out of here golden moments

34) Last person you talked to?
My mum

35) The relationship between you and the last person you texted?
The last person I text was a girl called Anais, she's my best friend

36) Favourite food?
I know it's a bit plain but pasta

37) Place you want to visit?
I would love to visit New York!

38) Last place you were?
My bed (I'm there now)

39) Do you have a crush?
Umm ok yeah I do

40) Last time you kissed someone?
I'm not sure

41) Last time you were insulted?
I'm not sure. I get offended very easily. For example I always take things way to seriously like jokes and sarcasm

42) Favourite flavour of sweet?

43) What instruments do you play?
I don't play any instruments. But I would like to know how to play the piano

44) Favourite piece of jewellery?
I honestly don't wear any jewellery at all

45) Last sport you played?
Badminton, I played it in PE on Friday

46) Last song you sang? 
One Direction Story of my life

47) What is your favourite chat up line?
Honestly I think chat up lines are a bit cheesy so I don't gave a favourite, haha sorry

48) Have you ever used it?
Like I said, I don't use them, So, no

49) Last time you hung out with someone?
Well, I see all my friends everyday at school, so if that counts my answer is Friday

50) Who should answer these questions next?
I am going to say everyone who read every single question and answer on this blog post

Wow, now that took a while. Now you know way too much information about me. Please leave a comment if you actually read all that and feel free to do the tag yourselves.
I actually really like doing these tags as you can probably tell because I've done a few already on the 'Monday Insights' series. I might to a tag on tomorrows Monday Insights but I'm not sure yet. If I find a good one, I will.

Do you like me doing these tags?
Emily xx

Monday, 4 November 2013

Monday Insights #3

So here it is, the next instalment of Monday Insights. The first thing I would love to do is congratulate a couple people. You may not know who these people are if you don't watch their videos but just to let you know these people are very talented youtubers who do brilliant, entertaining videos that I enjoy very much. I don't know these people personally but it just feels like I do because I love them and I have watched all their videos.

 The first person is Jim Chapman, Jim reached 1,000,000 subscribers yesterday which is a huge achievement for him so a big congratulations to Jim Chapman, for those you don't know Jim is youtuber who does lots of fun, hilarious vlog style videos if you don't already watch him, you should he seems like a very lovely, hilarious guy. Let's get them subscribers growing higher for Jim. Good job Jim get them brilliant, hilarious videos coming, love you keep it up :) Congratulations on the 1 million subscribers, good luck on trying to get to 2 million.

The next person I would like to say a massive congratulations to is one of my absolute favourite youtubers. This person is the gorgeous Zoe Sugg, also known as Zoella on YouTube. Last night was the Teen Awards some of you may be aware of this, you may have listened to it live on radio 1 or watched it on the radio 1 website. If you did, you probably know what I am about to say. So, back to Zoe, she was nominated and won the Best British vlogger Award. I was so relieved she won. Zoe has worked so hard on her youtube channel. With over 2 million subscribers who love and support everything she does including me. I love every single one of her videos. She is a gorgeous, talented, amazing youtuber. For those who don't watch her, Zoe mainly does beauty and fashion videos for example hauls and her favourite products etc. But she also does fun videos too involving tags and collaborations with other youtubers. So I would like to say a massive congratulations to Zoe for winning the Best British vlogger Award. I love you, your amazing.

Both those people deserved their rewards so again, a big congratulations to Zoe and Jim. Well done guys, I love both of all your videos. Please go check out Zoella and Jim Chapman's youtube channels if you haven't already. 

So, this post was just really about congratulating Zoe and Jim on their recent achievements and I hope that the post was long enough.
Check out Zoe's YouTube channel here
Check out Jim's YouTube channel here 

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween everyone!

I know I did a Halloween themed post last time so I will keep this short but today is Halloween! As you probably know. Some people don't like or don't celebrate Halloween. Y
But I guess your never too old for Halloween. We have stopped putting decorations up but I still go trick or treating, I'm not really sure when I'll stop but I'm looking forward to going trick or treating with my friend tonight! 

I am going as a devil for Halloween. What are you dressing up as?
Are you going out tonight for Halloween or are you just going to sit at home and have a movie marathon or something?
Let me know.
Emily xx

Monday, 28 October 2013

Monday Insights #2

The evenings are drawing in quicker, the clocks have gone back, the temperature is slowly dropping, you have the overwhelming urge to snuggle down with a blanket and watch a movie. This can only mean one thing, the winter is coming! 

We all know Christmas is only about 2 months away (blimey that's gone quick) which I am very excited about! But Halloween arrives first. It is 3 days until Halloween so I thought I will do a Halloween themed post. 

1) What are you doing this year for Halloween?
This year my friend is coming to my house then we are going trick or treating round my way because there are a lot of roads down where I live, some people may think that someone aged 14 may be a bit old for trick or treating but oh well your never too old for trick or treating. After that we are having a sleepover round mine and feasting on the treats :D

2) What is a weird/odd fear you have?
Hmm, I'm not really sure if this is odd but I have a fear of lift/elevators. I hate them. I get really claustrophobic easily especially in elevators.

3) What is your favourite Halloween decoration?
Well you can never go wrong with a classic pumpkin lit up outside your house or in your front room window.

4) What is your best Halloween memory?
Haha um ok well I was about 9 years old and I was with my friend and her 3 other friends. We went up to this house which has a life size Frankenstein sat on a stall outside the house surrounded by tombstones and smoke. What happened was we knocked on the door and the Frankenstein jumped up started groaning loudly and chased us down the street. We all just burst out crying but remember we were only 9. At the time it was terrifying but now looking back at it, it sounds quite funny.

5) 1-10, How much do you enjoy Halloween?

6) How do you get into the Halloween spirit?
Pumpkin carving and watching Halloween themed videos on YouTube (has Halloween tags  etc)

7) Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes and no. I do think there is some sort of paranormal life out there but I'm not actually sure if I believe in them or not.

So, that was just s few Halloween themed questions to get you into the Halloween spirit. Most of these questions were from a Halloween tag but one or two of the questions I thought of myself.
I hope this got you in the mood for Halloween, what ever your doing for it, I hope you have fun.

Emily xx

Monday, 21 October 2013

Monday Insights #1

I have decided to end the Monday Updates series and and start a new series called Monday Insights. If you read sprinkleofglitter's blog you will know she foes a Monday Insights series but she finished it today, which is a shame. You may think I'm copying her by calling it the same thing but I'm doing something a little different. She said a topic to focus on and you guys would comment questions related to that topic for each post. I am going to choose myself a topic to focus on. This is because I know I don't really have any readers so I know no-one would comment which will be a bit of a struggle. 

I know the Monday Updates series was only 5 posts long but I thought it was a bit boring for you to just read what's going on in my life. In the new Monday series I may still do a very small brief update every couple of Monday's but I will mainly focus on different topics for each week. Unfortunately I am not doing a topic for today's post as this was just a little introduction for the new series. 

Each post I will say what the topic is on each week so next Monday's topic is...
Stationary Obsession
This topic may be a bit boring but just a quick brief on what I t will be like is... I love stationary especially notebooks and I always loving making lists! Don't worry there will be more interesting topics after.
Sorry for the short blog post.
Emily xxx
Please comment!

Monday, 14 October 2013

Monday Updates #5

So, here it is Monday Updates number 5 and this time is actually on a Monday. So since nothing has happened recently as I had thought. If you live in the UK you will have noticed that the weather has gotten colder and that means it's Autumn :D Last week I promised I would answer some Autumn themed questions for you instead of doing an update. Doing the Autumn themed questions now is a very good time so let's gets on with it.

Do you like Autumn?
Yes, I love Autumn. The beautiful different coloured leaves that have fallen from the changing trees. I just love the thought of of that.

What is your favourite and least favourite thing about Autumn?
My favourite thing is seeing all the beautiful golden and brown leaves that have fallen from the trees onto the ground and creating beautiful scenery and hearing the crisp and crunch of the leaves underneath my shoes also I know it's jumper weather, where I can snuggle up in a nice cosy jumper by the fire. However I don't like having to get up early for school and having to walking to school in the freezing cold weather.

Favourite accessory to wear?
I am not a huge accessory fan but I love the jersey style scarves and I really want to wear them this Autumn. 

Do you like that it is starting to get dark earlier now?
Yes, I love it because when it starts to get dark early I know it's getting nearer Winter and Christmas and that gets me excited.

What is your favourite scent/candle?
I love the scent of vanilla. I find the smell very sweet and relaxing. Honestly I love it all year round. But candles just feel much more comforting and make me feel more relaxed when it's Autumn.

Favourite drink?
I am a massive hot chocolate fan, especially when it's cold weather. Hot chocolate seems like it tastes much better when your cold and you appreciate it more. Also hot chocolate is the only hot drink I like. I hate tea and I hate coffee, but occasionally I have a cup of warm milk.

Favourite outfit to wear?
I literally like live in Washington warm jumpers and hoodies. So my favourite peice of clothing to wear is a nice, cosy, warm jumper and leggings.

Favourite place to be?
In Autumn/Winter I absolutely love having duvet days. So my favourite place to be is in my bed under my duvet, haha I know it sounds lazy. But I just love being warm and cosy, in my pj's having a nice relaxing duvet day, maybe watch some movies too.

So that was just a few Autumn themed questions to get you in the Autumn spirit I guess. Please leave me any sort of questions you like in the comment box and I will answer them. Until next time. Enjoy yourself.
Emily xx

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Monday Updates #4

Oops am I a bit late, sorry about that. I know it's Tuesday evening and Monday Updates are, well obviously for Monday's. But I guess I just got a bit side tracked with all the stuff that has been happening recently. So I'm sorry about that.

So back to the actual update part of the post. My dad has finished redecorating my bedroom and I am actually in love with it. It turned out better than I thought to be honest. I would upload pictures but it won't work, sorry about that. The colour of my room is a beautiful shade of blue, very similar to tiffany blue. The rest of the room is mostly teal. I have also bought a dressing table with a storage stall and its got a mirror on top. Also I got a new set of draws, 4x4 set of draws. My dad also gave me his blue-Ray player, which I was highly surprised about. It took 2 weekends to complete my room. There are still last minute things I need to still move into my room such as my make up, hair products, sprays, clothes etc. So it has been really busy in my house recently.
Overall I am very happy with the final look, really sorry if it sounds like I am boasting about my new bedroom but honestly I am trying not too.

That is all I have to say unfortunately. I know it was only one thing to update you on but hopefully it will be enough keep you posted. Next week I might answer some Autumn questions for you all.

Monday, 30 September 2013

Monday Updates #3

So here it is, another installment of 'Monday Updates' I am enjoying this series so far, so I hope you all are too. 

So recently as I mentioned last time. My dad has started redecorating my bedroom last weekend however he is not finished yet which means no Tv for a week. But I am very excited about what the final my bedroom will look like :D. So far he has painted my door, my window sill and my skirting board white. These were already white but over time it's got a bit dirty, so he decided to re-paint it. Also, he has done one layer of paint on my walls, all this was done within two days. He still has to do one more layer of paint on my walls, put back all my furniture and set up the new furniture. 

So I know that was a really small update but honestly nothing has happened recently. I would just like to say though that it is now 86 sleeps till Christmas, I know this thanks to an app on my phone. I am getting to excited for Christmas as it it my favourite holiday. I know it's Halloween first but I don't get excited or hyped at all about Halloween. So far I am loving Autumn by the way. Seeing all the beautiful golden, brown fallen leaves and hear them crunch underneath my feet as I walk. It just makes me happy. I know it may sound a little cheesy maybe but I just feel Autumn and Winter are such beautiful seasons, I hope you agree with me.

I know this was very short but I guess some people might like short posts

Monday, 23 September 2013

Monday Updates #2

The second instalment of 'Monday Updates' is here. Time for you guys to know what's going on with me.
Firstly I have recently developed a rather nasty cold, blocked nose and very sore throat (feels like it was swollen), we all know colds are the worst and this is around the time when everyone starts getting a cold:( However I am slowly getting a little bit better which good. But I want it to go!
 Also this weekend my dad has decided to start redecorating my bedroom which I am extremely excited about, he said he would do it at the end of September but I thought he would stall for a while, I was very happy when he said he will do it this weekend.
  I decided I wanted to redecorate my room last month as I realised my room was room childish and girly for my age. I was very surprised when my mum and dad agreed to do it.
 I have chosen to go with the teal coloured theme as teal is my favourite colour. At first I thought I would just paint my walls and get a new duvet cover but we have decided I a new chest of draws as they are broken, I am also getting a dressing table which I haven't had before. The paint I have chosen is called Arctic Sunrise and it is a very nice, quite light shade of blue.
Lastly, earlier last week I have developed a bit of an addiction to listing. Yes, yes it is a thing. I found an A3 notebook with little cute and kind of, cartoon cats on it which I got in May and never used. I started thinking of what I could write in it and then I remembered that one of my favourite YouTube Emma Blackery mentioned in one of her videos that she had an addiction to listing. So I thought I could start filling up the notebook with different lists, so far I have done favourite quotes, favourite girls names, favourite boys names, favourite TV shows, favourite scents, favourite blogs and favourite YouTube names. So I have done quite a few so far. I am really liking
trying to think of different lists, its a way to be more organised too and I have also heard of these little notepads called listographies so I hope I can get my hands on them :)
This was quite a big update on me. I would like to give you a topic, ask me questions on the topic and I will answer them in my next 'Monday Updates' if I don't really get any questions I won't
the topic is....
Panic Attacks
Do you suffer with them and want to learn more about them or do you know someone who suffers with them and want to know how to help them, please ask me any questions on the topic xx

Monday, 16 September 2013

Monday Updates #1

Monday Updates, from the title you can probably tell what Monday's are going to be about from now on. I am starting a new Monday series :). Every Monday I am going to give you an update on what's happening with me and I would like to do some Q&A every now and then. Also I will try and give you some motivation as usually Monday is the day where most people are stressed and tired, so maybe some motivation will do you good.
About one and a half weeks ago I went back to school, I was in year 10. Everything is starting to get more serious for me now. New GCSE classes, a few new teachers too, and exams. However it's just a small step closer till I get to leaving school. That is just a very brief update, nothing much has been happening over the past couple weeks. Sorry about that.
Most people hate Mondays, I know I do. You have just had the weekend and that is why Monday's are usually filled with tiredness, stress and laziness. Just don't let all these things drag you down. 'The week starts on Monday so suck it up and have a great day, it's also your chance to seize the week' this is a quote I found on the internet and I quite like it, not sure why but I just do. I don't actually know if you will find it Motivational at all but I think it's just quite a good, funny quote.
This was quite a short post since it's my first one of the series but hopefully the rest will be longer and more motivational and hopefully a bigger update.
How do you motivate yourself on a Monday?
Please leave me questions in the comment box and if I have enough I will do a Q&A
Emily xx

100 Days till Christmas!

Ok everyone. Some of you may already know this but (brace yourself) today it's 100 days till Christmas!!!!  Just typing that makes me feel excited I'm not sure if that sounds sad, but even if it does ,I don't care :) I don't know about you guys but Christmas is by far my favorite holiday, all the decorations, white snow, presents, family gatherings, songs etc. I just love the build up to Christmas. When it gets to November I start listening to Christmas songs nonstop,it makes me feel more festive.
Some of you might not get excited for Christmas until December but for me I start to get really excited around the end of September because that's when the weather gets colder and when the weather gets colder I know it's getting closer and closer to Christmas :D I love the feeling of being nice and warm with fluffy socks on, the heating on and nice and being snug under my duvet cover when its cold outside. I think it's one of the nicest feelings. But that's just what I'm like.
This was a very short post, so I'm sorry about that.
When do you start to get excited for Christmas?
Emily xx

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Back to School

It that time of the year again when all the kids go back to school, whether your leaving the small, easy primary school going into a big, scary secondary school or if your leaving secondary school to attend a collage and starting the first stage of being an adult. It's always daunting no matter what stage your at. Being 14 I'm still in school and I went back on Thursday 5th September,

I am going to try and give you guys some advice about being back at school and hopefully it will benefit you in some way, I will probably tell you what I was like too.

 So if it is your first day of school, I realise it may be a bit nerve racking but don't worry it's normal to be nervous. I get it may be a bit scary if your going into a big new school I expect it's scary for everyone else too. But on my first day of secondary school my nerves took over, mainly because I didn't know anyone I only had my 3 best friends to talk to and none of them were in my class which got me really stressed and scared. When it got to my first class I got in the classroom and I didn't know anyone in there so I just sat quietly on my own. I was terrified. But just remember try not to be nervous, the reason why I was so nervous was because am a naturally incredibly shy person, I'm the sort of person who never raises her hand, because of my shyness and because I'm afraid that I will get it wrong. But as I have got older I have grown to be more confident I'm still quite shy when it comes to meeting new people, raising my hand in class and being picked on to answer a question but I have got slightly more confident luckily, I ask for help in class if I need it. However If I have to stand in front of the class and give a presentation I will completely freeze up, hyperventilate and cry most likely (quite like a panic attack), that has happened to me before in class, but not because I was giving a presentation. I will probably go into more detail with this story if I do a 'Claustrophobia, Panic attacks and anxiety' blog post like I said I might do in my '25 Facts About Me' blog post.

I was quite nervous this year because I was going into year 10 and that means new GCSE classes, a couple new teachers and it's all starting to get a lot more serious with exams and grades etc. But I think I will be ok.

I started off having quite a bad time at school but around 3-5 months into year 7 I made some new friends and I am so glad I met them because they are my best friends ever now however my other 3 best friends who I mentioned earlier I never talk to them anymore which is a shame. Now I am in year 10 and my friendship group quite large and they are all individually weird, unique and amazing in there own way. Despite my bad start to secondary school I am perfectly happy now. So just remember if you have a bad start, it will always get better.

Homework. So homework is something pretty much every teenager hates getting. A good tip for homework is that NEVER leave all the homework still the late minute (I learnt that the hard way). I always either forget to do it or put the homework off until the last minute. Leaving homework until the last minute only maximises stress so keep this tip in mind and don't do what I do.

Would you like me to do a 'Claustrophobia and panic attacks blog post?
Please let me know
Emily xx 

Friday, 6 September 2013

Friday Nights :)

OK. It's Friday night and you know what that mean, it's the start of the weekend. The weekend is usually the time where you can take a break, chill out snuggle down and watch some Saturday night TV or maybe a movie of some kind. The weekend always my favourite time because I can have a chill out from school.

On a nice Friday night its good to have a little pamper evening especially if you have had a hard, busy week. You just need a calm evening to yourself. Have a nice, warm bubble bath maybe read a book, light some candles to feel like luxury. If you can't do this or don't have a enough time at least if you have even just 5 - 10 minutes to spare on a Friday night between your busy schedule will be enough to be calm and get all the stress out. A bubble bath is always the way to go!

If you don't have a busy schedule and have a lot of time on a nice Friday night,  have a nice bubble bath like I said and maybe read a book or light some candles whilst your in there. After that I will be feeling nice and fresh, to add to that if you have one I would use a face mask, as the are nice and refreshing and one you have had it on for how ever many minutes it says all you have to do is wash it off if it is a washing off one or peeling it of if it is one of those sort of masks. By using a face mask it leaves your skin insanely soft which is great. Face masks are good, I enjoy face masks :). There you go you will feel all nice and refreshed for bed time.
Anyway that was just a short post about how you could pamper yourself on a nice, quiet Friday night.
Emily xx